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毕业设计说明书 基于组态王智能仪表锅炉过热蒸汽控制系统的设计 专业 自动化 学生姓名 班级 B自动化051 学号 0510630126 指导教师 完成日期 2009年6月5日 基于组态王智能仪表锅炉过热蒸汽控制系统的设计 摘 要:过热蒸汽温度是各种工业锅炉设备的重要参数。如果过热蒸汽温度过高,则过热器容易损坏,也会使汽轮机内部引起过度的热膨胀严重影响生产运行的安全;过热蒸汽温度偏低,则设备的效率将会降低,同时使通过汽轮机最后几级的蒸汽湿度增加,引起叶片的磨损。因此,必须控制过热器出口蒸汽温度。锅炉过热蒸汽温度的控制任务,就是为了维持过热器出口蒸汽温度在允许的范围内,并保护过热器管壁温度不超过允许的工作温度。 本课题利用智能仪表控制系统,结合组态王监控软件设计人机对话界面,实现锅炉过热蒸汽控制系统设计。通过对现场系统数据的采集处理,在组态王中实现动画显示、报警处理、流程控制、实时曲线和报表输出等功能。同时利用智能仪表控制系统,在所设计的组态王监控界面中,进行相关仪表调校和控制器参数整定。最后向用户提供锅炉过热蒸汽控制系统的动态运行结果。 关键词:过热蒸汽温度;智能仪表;组态王 Design of Intelligent Instrument based on Kingview boiler superheated steam control system Abstract: Superheated steam temperature is a variety of important industrial boiler equipment parameters, in the production process, the entire path of soft drink is the highest temperature of superheated steam temperature, superheater temperature normal working hours, there are generally closer to the material to allow the maximum temperature, if overheating steam temperature too high, easy to damage superheater and steam turbine will cause excessive internal seriously affected the production of thermal expansion of the safety of operation; superheated steam temperature is low, it will reduce the efficiency of equipment, while the adoption of the final class of steam turbine steam humidity increased, the wear and tear caused by the leaves. Therefore, we must control the export steam superheater temperature. Overheated steam boiler control is tantamount to the task, that is, in order to maintain the export steam superheater temperature in the permit, and to protect the superheater tube wall temperature does not exceed allowable operating temperature. The subject control system using smart meters, combined with monitoring software Kingview dialogue man-machine interface design, the realization of superheated steam boiler control system design. Through on-site data acquisition and processing system, in achieving kingview animation, alarm processing, process control, real-time


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