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大学校园广告存在的现状问题及解决措施 ——以贵州民族大学为例 内容摘要:在当今的社会中大学已经不是所谓的象牙塔,它现在是社会发展的“供给站”。 特别是随着经济,社会化,消费文化的高速发展,我们生活的任何角落都已被广告所渗透。经济圈全球化和知识的快速更新已经将大学与社会的发展,人的发展紧紧的联系了起来。在市场经济条件下,任何内容的市场营销离开了广告,就如同在 黑暗中对你的情人暗送秋波,你知道自己在干什么而对方却什么也不知道。随着大学生的规模不断扩大,以高校大学生为消费主体的消费品市场逐渐引起了企业的广泛关注,应运而生的大量广告也如泉涌般涌来,大学校园是一块具有活力且具有开发性的新兴广告市场,受到大多数广告主青睐。在此本文以贵州民族大学为例进行大学广告现状分析及如何更好的开发利用大学校园广告以便收到最好的经济效益。 关键词:校园广告 广告主 大学生 University campus advertising the current situation existing problems and solving measures -- Taking Guizhou University for Nationalities as the example In todays society in the university has not called the ivory tower, it is now the social development of the supply station.Especially with the economic, social, cultural consumption of rapid development, our life everywhere has been advertising infiltrates.Economic circle of globalization and knowledge update quickly will have the University and the development of society, peoples development closely linked.Under the condition of market economy, any content marketing from advertising, like in the dark about your lover make eyes at a man, you know what you are doing and the other one but know nothing.With the enlargement of the scale of college students, aiming at college students consumption of the main consumer goods market gradually caused the wide attention of the enterprise, emerge as the times require a large number of advertising is like spring rush, university campus is a vigorous development emerging advertising market, by the majority of advertisers favor.This paper taking Guizhou University for Nationalities as the example of University advertisement present situation analysis and how to better the development and utilization of university campus advertising in order to receive the best economic benefit. 引言 大学校园广告是校园文化的重要组成部分,是师生获取信息的重要来源。校园广告日趋增长、个性多样,但内容比较散乱,创意构思相对简单,存在广告媒介单一、设计制作质量低、缺乏科学的管理机制等问题。为使高校校园广告规范化、科学化,我们利用传播学和广告媒介管理等理论知识,借鉴相关高校广告研究方面的成果,以贵州民族大学校园广告文化的建设与管理为例,通过分析广告资源的开发利用状况,积极探究高校广告文化的现状利用措施 一.校园广告概述 1.校园广告形成与意义 1.1校园广告


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