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120万吨/年胜利原油常减压蒸馏塔工艺设计 摘 要 常减压塔蒸馏装置作为原油的一次加工工艺,在原油加工的总流程中占有重要作用,在炼厂具有举足轻重的地位。它的操作平稳是保证石油产品质量的关键。本次设计主要是设计原油年处理能力为120万吨的常压塔,其次为塔板的设计。 设计的基本方案是:初馏塔拔出石脑油,常压塔采取三侧线,常压塔塔顶生产汽油,三侧线分别生产煤油,轻柴油,重柴油。塔底重油作催化裂化或加氢裂化装置的原料。常压塔的设计主要是依据所给的原油实沸点蒸馏数据及产品的恩氏蒸馏数据,计算产品的各物性数据确定切割方案、计算产品收率。参考同类装置确定塔板数、进料及侧线抽出位置,在假设各主要部位的操作温度及操作压力,进行全塔热平衡计算,采取塔顶二级冷凝冷却和两个中段回流。塔顶取热:第一中段回流取热:第二中段回流取热为5:2:3,最后校核各主要部位温度都在允许的误差范围内。 塔板形式选用浮阀塔板,依据常压塔内最大汽、液相负荷处算得塔径为2.4m,板间距取0.6m。这部分最主要的是核算塔板流体力学性能及操作性能,使塔板在适宜的操作范围内操作。 关键词:原油,物料平衡,换热,常压塔,节能,浮阀塔板 Abstract As a part of crude oil processing technic, atmosperic distillation instillation is very important in the whole processing schemes of crude oil and refineries. Its operation stationary is key point to guarantee the quality of oil product. A atmosperic distillation column, which is able to treat crucd oil 120Mt a year,is designed mainly,and the calculation of hydraulics is also done. Design’s basic scheme: Prefrationator extracts naphtha,atmospheric column has three lateral-line.Its tower top extracts gasoline and three lateral line respectively extract kerosene, line diesel fuel,heavey diesel fuel. Atmospheric residue can be as raw of catalytic cracking and hydrogen cracking.The design of the atmosperic distillation column is based on the datum of true point distillation of the crued oil and of Engler distillation of the products. The calculation of products phsical property parameters and the cut conceptual and products yields are also based on the datum。The tray number, the feed tray and the side stream withdrawal tray are determined by referring to the same kind unit. The following work is to assume the operating temperature and pressure of all the important points of column and to make the energy balance calculatoin for the whole column,A two -grade condenser is be used on the overhead of the column,and two midpump around,on the body,the rate of the energy taken by condensers from top to bottom is 5:2:3. Finally,the temperature asummed should be checked up. It is v


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