Do it now(时间管理经典文章,中英文对照).doc

Do it now(时间管理经典文章,中英文对照).doc

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Do it now(时间管理经典文章,中英文对照)

Do It Now——Steve Pavlina Steve Pavlina( CEO, Dexterity Software Procrastination)原文地址:Do It Now/articles/do-it-now.htm) Steve Pavlina是著名的游戏软件开发商,曾任Dexterity Software总裁,也曾任共享软件协会(Association of Shareware Professionals)主席。他开发的Sweep游戏获得过多项大奖。2006年,他关闭了公司,推出游戏界,专心致力于网站的建设中。他的网站主要讨论个人发展,以下这篇文章便出自其中,论述目标设定,时间管理,和成就目标。When going to college many years ago, I decided to challenge myself by setting a goal to see if I could graduate in only three semesters, taking the same classes that people would normally take over a four-year period. This article explains in detail all the time management techniques I used to successfully pull this off. In order to accomplish this goal, I determined Id have to take 30-40 units per semester, when the average student took 12-15 units. It became immediately obvious that Id have to manage my time extremely well if I wanted to pull this off. I began reading everything I could find on time management and putting what I learned into practice. I accomplished my goal by graduating with two Bachelor of Science degrees (computer science and mathematics) in just three semesters without attending summer school. I slept seven to eight hours a night, took care of my routine chores (shopping, cooking, etc), had a social life, and exercised for 30 minutes every morning. In my final semester, I even held a full time job (40 hours a week) as a game programmer and served as the Vice Chair of the local Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) chapter while taking 37 units of mostly senior-level computer science and math courses. My classmates would add up all the hours they expected each task to take and concluded that my weeks must have consisted of about 250 hours. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA and also received a special award given to the top computer science student each year. One of my professors later told me that they had an easy time selecting the award recipient once it became clear to them what I was doing. I wasnt considered a gifted child, and this w


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