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cloudstack 二次开发内部培训
1 Cloudstack介绍及基础 1.1什么是cloudstack官方:CloudStack is an open source cloud compute platform used to deliver Infrastructure-as-a-ServiceCloudStack is open source software written in java that is designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, scalable cloud computing platform. CloudStack current supports the most popular hypervisors VMware, Oracle VM, KVM, XenServer and Xen Cloud Platform1.2 Cloudstack组成部分1.2.1整体组成1.2.2官方的系统架构1.3什么是Primary StoragePrimary storage is associated with a cluster, and it stores the disk volumes for all the VMs running on hosts in that cluster. 1.4什么是Second StorageSecondary storage is associated with a zone, and it stores the following: ??Templates – OS images that can be used to boot VMs and can include additional configuration information, such as installed applications ??ISO images – disc images containing data or bootable media for operating systems ??Disk volume snapshots – saved copies of VM data which can be used for data recovery or to create new templates 2架构2.1组件级架构2.2 部署架构3工程结构3.1工程依赖关系说明:util是各个工程的基础工具包,给它们提高诸如网络连接、数据库访问、日志等服务;Api 提供了接口服务;Agent 主要与物理主机交互并完成与server的通信;Server 管理端,将管理的资源持久化,提供UI管理;Core 核心业务实现;Cloud-ovm、cloud-vmware-base 分别为oracle vm及 vmware实现,agent-simulator为测试的模拟器;3.2 工程作用NoProjectPackage NamePurposeNotespriority1utilscloud-util.jarutilities methods that can be used in any project?B2apicloud-api.jarREST API, Agent API, and Java API definitions?A3corecloud-core.jarServerResource implementations.Remember that each ServerResource should be deployable in both a management server and in a remote agent container. Core is also being converted to be one project per ServerResource, as how ovm is done today.A4servercloud-server.jarManagement Server?Server端主要工程A5agentcloud-agent.jarAgent Container?A6ovm?cloud-ovm.jarServerResource for Oracle VMThe future of ServerResource packaging._7agent-simulator?Simulated ServerResource for scale and regression test.?Will be very useful if your work