船舶共轨主机资料wartsila 84TD 00191M1C21.pdf

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Installation Planning Instructions fåëí~ää~íáçå=mä~ååáåÖ=fåëíêìÅíáçåë= oÉãçíÉ=`çåíêçä=póëíÉãoÉãçíÉ=`çåíêçä=póëíÉã== oÉãçíÉoÉãçíÉ=`çåíêçä=póëíÉã=`çåíêçä=póëíÉã== qê~åëîÉêëÉ=qÜêìëíÉê=`ä~ëë=ff=qê~åëîÉêëÉ=qÜêìëíÉê=`ä~ëë=ff= qê~åëîÉêëÉ=qÜêìëíÉê=`ä~ëë=ffqê~åëîÉêëÉ=qÜêìëíÉê=`ä~ëë=ff== ∆∆ ∆∆ ifmpqolkf`ifmpqolkf` =TMMM=TMMMJJqqÄqqÄ iifmpqolkf`fmpqolkf` ==TMMMTMMMJJqqÄqqÄ Made by: Wärtsilä Propulsion Filename: 00191M1C21 IPI manual Rev 0.doc Installation Planning Instructions PREFACE Wärtsilä Propulsion (WP) herewith presents the Installation Planning Instructions (IPI). This IPI provides necessary and useful information for planning the installation of the ® Lipstronic remote control system. It contains instructions, advises, specifications, technical data and drawings of equipment included in the scope of supply. Besides that general recommendations and installation drawings are supplied as well. Some information is given by means of drawings attached to this IPI. Deviations from these instructions are only allowed after consulting Wärtsilä Propulsion. Please read this IPI carefully and inform us about any remarks as soon as possible. If any further technical information is needed for the yard’s design work please contact our project manager. Prior to commissioning, the installation will be inspected by a supervisor of Wärtsilä Propulsion for compliance with our inst


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