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技术与应用DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1123. 2011. 01041摘要: 建立了反相高效液相色谱( RP-HPLC) 分离检测用不同方法煮制的猪肉及其汤汁中 17 种游离氨基酸的方法。样品经 6-氨基 喹 啉 基-N-羟基琥珀酰亚氨基甲酸酯 ( AQC ) 柱 前 衍 生 后,采 用 Nova-PakTM C18 色 谱 柱 分 离,以 AccQ·Tag Eluent A稀释液、乙腈和超纯水为流动相,梯度洗脱,检测波长为 248 nm,在 47 min 内实现了 17 种氨基 酸衍生物的基线分离。各氨基酸在 1 ~ 100 μmol / L( 胱氨酸在 0. 5 ~ 50 μmol / L) 范围内呈现出良好的线性关系,相 应的线性相关系数( r2 ) 均大于 0. 99; 17 种氨基酸的检出限( 以信噪比为 3 计) 为 0. 29 ~ 0. 96 μmol / L; 在汤汁中的 加标回收率为 86. 5% ~ 101. 0%。该方法前处理过程简单,分离效果好,是检测肉及其汤汁中氨基酸的有效手段,可 应用于肉制品的质量评定和工艺优化。关键词: 反相高效液相色谱; 柱前衍生; 游离氨基酸; 猪肉; 汤汁中图分类号: O658文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-8713( 2011) 10-1041-05Abstract: A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic ( RP-HPLC ) method was devel-oped for the determination of 17 amino acids in the pork and its broth cooked by different methods. 6- Aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxyl-succinimidyl-carbamate ( AQC ) was used as pre-column derivatization rea- gent. In the RP-HPLC method,a Nova-PakTM C18 column was used with the dilution of AccQ·Tag Elu- ent A,acetonitrile and water as the mobile phases in a gradient elution mode. The 17 amino acids were baseline separated within 47 min with ultraviolet ( UV) detection at 248 nm. Each amino acid showed good linearity in the range of 1 - 100 μmol / L except cystine ( Cys2 ) in the range of 0. 5 - 50 μmol / L with the correlation coefficient ( r2 ) more than 0. 99. The detection limits ( S / N = 3 ) of 17 amino acids were ranged from 0. 29 to 0. 96 μmol / L,and the spiked recoveries in a cooked broth sample were from86. 5% to 101. 0%. The results showed that the proposed method can be applied to determine amino acids for meat quality assessment and process optimization with simple pretreatment and good separation. Key words: reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography ( RP-HPLC) ; pre-column derivat- ization; free amino acids; pork; broth猪肉是我国居民主要的肉食品来源,其富含蛋白质、脂肪和适宜的水分。烹饪过程使其更有利于 人体消化和吸收。中式烹饪中,有水煮、高压蒸煮和炖煮 3 种基本煮制方法,而各种煮制方法都有其不


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