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评估方式 1. 课堂表现 (出勤,参与课堂活动等)10% 2. Group presentation (Newscast) 10% 3. 录音(选取presentation的一部分改进语音语调后录音一分钟;两人对话三分钟)10% 4. 期中项目 20% 5.期末考试 50% 英语语音 English Phonetics 语音基本功的构成要素: 音素 重音 节奏 语调 英语音素的发音要领 48个音素 元音: 单元音(长元音 短元音);双元音 辅音:清辅音 浊辅音 辅音连缀的读法 如何正确读出单词的爆破音: 1)爆破音+爆破音 Eg. Actor, suitcase, blackboard, captain 2)爆破音+破擦音 Eg. Section, advance, lecture, capture 3)爆破音+舌侧音 Eg. Little, middle, example, apple 4)爆破音+鼻腔音 Eg. Partner, happen, ribbon, frighten 英语语调 汉语:音节-声调语音 英语:重音-语调语言 Spring is gay with flowers and song, Summer is hot and the days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter brings snow and the New Year again. 英语重音 1.单词重音 eg. record 读作[?rek?: d]时是名词, 读作 [ri?k?:d]是动词 2. 复合词重音 eg. ?White House 白宫 white ?house 白色的房子 English ?teacher ; ?English teacher Toy ?factory; ?toy factory 3. 语句重音 Eg. His younger brother is a good driver. 实义词和功能词 功能词的弱读形式 Pick an apple. I saw him. Sing us a song. Come and see me. I’m from Canada. It was the end of the month. The books are there. How does it work? It could be dangerous. Have some coffee. 重音与节奏 英语的节奏单位——音步 Eg. I have never seen it before. Mary lives in Chicago. 语流节奏:语句重音的规律性 1) John’s friend Smith has just sold two old paintings. 2) It would have been better not to have paid it before you had received it. 适当拉长重读元音的发音长度来突出语句重音,同时实现语流应有的节奏感。 语流中的连续 1. 连读 1)辅音+元音 Eg. All of it; take it off 2)r音节+元音 Eg. Far away; there isn’t 3)扁唇元音+元音 Eg. Try each; be able; hurry up; stay at home 4)圆唇元音+元音 Eg. Now and then; go off; too easy; come to us 语流中爆破音的读法 1)爆破音+爆破音/破擦音 Eg. Good boy; cold drink; sick child 2)爆破音+摩擦音 Eg. Help them; ripe fruit; look smart 3)爆破音+舌侧音 Eg. A bit louder; night life; good luck 4)爆破音+鼻腔音 Eg. Loud noise; a lot more; start now 英语语调 三种基本形式: 平. 升. 降 英语语调单位的结构:调冠、调头、调核、调尾 It has been a very enjoyable evening for all of us. I’m sorry I couldn’t quite make out what you were saying. 调核的选择 Joanne wanted Louise to join the parade. 调型的意义 降调:具有分


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