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广东省汕头市小学毕业考试 一、语音、词汇。(28分)(一)根据构成单词的字母在字母表里的顺序,在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典的先后顺序,并写出它们的中文意思。(6分) ( )carrot( )expensive( )baby( )second ( )strawberry( )onion(二)根据所给单词音标写相应的单词,并将其中文意思写在括号里(6分) swi?] [ti:t?] [sma:t] [reiz] [bed] [luk] ____ ______ _____ ____ _____ ____ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (三)根所给单词首字母填入,使句子合理、通顺。(8分)1. I like bananas. How a you? 2. Whats the matter? You look a . 3. Its w . You can wear your new shirt. 4. How m are they? Theyre ten yuan. 5. She is going to buy some books in the b . 6. What would you like for l ? Id like some beef and noodles. 7. Wang Li designs cars. She is an e . 8. He helps people he safe. He is a p . (四)写出列句子中画线部分的(4分) 1. Walk east for three minutes2. When is Mothers Day? 3. I go home on foot every afternoon. 4. Lets go to the plant shod by subway. (五)在空格内填入适当的字母,纵向能读出8个意思符合提示内容的单词。(4分)Across: 1. the month before August 2. fathers father 3. three and eight4. not big Down: 5. red+yellow+blue 6. not old 7. father and mother 8. use it to write 二、句型、情景表达、对话。(42分)(一)选择填空,将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(12分) 1. What do you do on your holidays? I often A. climb mountains B. climbing mountains C. climbed mountains 2. What can he do in summer? He can___ in the river. A. swim B. is swimming C. swam 3. My aunts birthday is___ October. A. in B. on C at 4. Its 8:00. Its time___ English class. A. for B. to C. at 5. Theyre going to have a farewell party____. A. last week B. yesterday C. this evening 6. ___ they___ in the forest? Yes, they are. A. Do... watch insects B. Are... watching insects C. Did... watch insects 7. Are there any post offices near here? Yes, ___. A. they are B. there are C. are there 8. Where is the hotel, please? Its___ the museum. A. in front B. near to C. next to 9. How___ are you? Im 52 kg. Im 1.5 kg___ than m



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