Unit 5 肢体语言.ppt

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Unit 5 肢体语言

Unit 1 Focus1 content focus1starter 1. 2 1. 2 Focus 1 2 Focus 1 2 Focus 1 2 Focus 1 2 Focus 1 4 Focus 1 4 Focus 1 4 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 5 Focus 1 7 Focus 1 7 Focus 2 content Focus2 1 Focus2 1 Focus2 2 Focus2 2 Focus2 2 Focus2 2 Focus2 4 Focus2 4 Focus2 4 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus2 5 Focus 2 5 Focus2 6 Focus2 6 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus 2 7 Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Focus2 Grammar Thank you! Work in pairs. Study the following improper body language in a job interview. Explain the implications and how to improve the body language. Back Next 3. Improper body language in job interviews Example: Slouching in the chair—This is a message that you’re not attentive. So you’d better sit up straight. Back Next 5. Biting nails 4. Not being attentive. 3. Acting like a boss or in a superior way. 2. Too many hand gestures. 1. Scratching your nose. How to improve Implications Improper body language Lying or being dishonest. Not respectful. No one is your match. Nervousness or insecurity. Listen, and look the interviewer in the eye. Be modest or humble. Use proper hand gestures. Put your hands in your lap. Calm down. Absent-minded. 3. Improper body language in job interviews Back Next 3. Improper body language in job interviews Checking another person’s understanding Have you got it/that? Got it/that? Do you follow me? Are you of the same mind? Do you understand what I’m saying? Do you need me to go back over that? Should I repeat that? Have I made myself understood? Learning 一位美国女商人在会谈后高兴地离去,她终于与她的日本供应商在价格上达成一致。但没过几天她就接到了日方的异议。“这到底是怎么回事?”美国女商人大惑不解,“日方不是已经接受那个价格了吗,他们甚至点头微笑表示同意了。” 日本人一般不会公开表露他们的反对意见或愤怒,他们甚至可能会在令美国人痛哭的场合下依然保持微笑。 Back Next An American businesswoman comes away from a meeting delightedly; she finally gets her Japanese supplier to agree on the price. But a few days l



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