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8.南京大学模拟试题 SectionⅠ Structure and Vocabulary Part A Directions: In questions 1-15, each sentence has an underlined word. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best matches the underlined word. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. 1. Hitler sought to annihilate resistance movements throughout Europe. A. exterminate B. exceed C. exclude D. expel 2. The young man was so bashful that he did not speak to the pretty girl. A. haughty B. shy C. indifferent D. upset 3. Mrs. Mary wore a string of beads around her neck. A. small pieces of gold B. small balls of precious stones C. small pieces of wood D. small balls of glass 4. I didnt stop at Johns house because he had visitors, and I didnt want to butt in. A. intrude B. incur C. infer D. intercept 5. Johns ideas about how to solve the problem were so cogent that I had to agree with him. A. chronic B. cavernous C. convincing D. choral 6. He has got too much ______to worry about your problem. A. on his mind B. out of mind C. off his mind D. to his mind 7. You are too rigid: you must learn to change your plans when the situation it. A. calls on B. calls for C. calls forth D. calls in 8. If your expenses ______your income, you will be in debt. A. surpass B. exceed C. survive D. pass 9. You can ______your story by leaving out some unimportant details. A. abridge B. rewrite C. reveal D. change 10. Could you please give me a hand? Lets______ the bookcase into place. A. shoot B. shove C. contain D. indicate Part B Directions: In questions 16-30, each sentence has four


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