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Introduction to British and American Culture Chapter 3 Politics Part Two The Political System of the United States Introduction to British and American Culture Learning Focus The Federal System The U.S. Constitution The Congress Checks and Balances The Democratic Party Introduction to British and American Culture Before You Read Warm-up 1. Which legal document decides the organization of the United States government? _____________________________ 2. Who is the present President of the United States? Which party does he or she stand for? _____________________________ 3. What are the two major political parties in the United States? _____________________________ Introduction to British and American Culture The Constitution a single political document in1787 7 articles The Constitution follows three principles: Federal system “Checks and balances” Respect for the Constitution Introduction to British and American Culture The Federal System Definition Power is shared between the central government and the state government Americans are under two governments The state government The federal government Power of the federal government To declare war, to tax, to borrow or coin money and to regulate business and trade Introduction to British and American Culture Bill of Rights A list of 10 amendments in 1791 Rights guaranteed Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of the press Freedom to assemble peaceably in public places Freedom to own weapons Significance A fundamental symbol of the freedoms and culture of the nation Introduction to British and American Culture Checks and balances Three-part government The legislative The executive The judicial Function Limits the powers of the three branches Belief If any one part or branch of government has all the power, it will become a threat to the freedom of citizens. Introduction to British and American Culture U. S. Government Government Legislative Branch Exe


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