Unit 8 Advertising Strategy Planning 经典广告学英语课件合集.ppt

Unit 8 Advertising Strategy Planning 经典广告学英语课件合集.ppt

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Five Principle Function of Ads 1. Information. ⊙ 2. Persuasion. 3. Maintenance of Demand. 4. Creating mass Markets. ⊙ 5. Quality. I. The Advertising Plan An outline of what goals an advertising campaign should achieve, how to accomplish those goals, and how to determine whether or not the campaign was successful in obtaining those goals. In IMC planning, the advertising plan is an integral part of the overall procedure. The Marketing Plan: Top-Down The Marketing Plan: Bottom-Up SWOT Analysis Problem Identification Setting an Advertising Objectives Criteria: specific, realistic, measurable. Understanding what advertising can do: Marketing sells, Advertising tells. ⊙ Advertising objectives should be related to communication effects. The advertising pyramid : a guide to setting objectives Advertising Objectives Advertising Strategy Advertising (or communications) objective declares where the advertiser wants to be with respect to consumer awareness, attitude, and preference; Advertising strategy describes how to get there. Advertising strategy blends elements of the creative mix (target audience, product concept, communications media, and advertising message) The Advertising Strategy 1. The Target Audience The specific people the advertising will address, is typically larger than the target market. Advertisers need to know who the end user is, who makes the purchase, and who influences the purchasing decision. Brand popularity cuts across all levels of purchasing frequency. Dominant brands are purchased by both heavy and light users. ?impossible field.rm 2. The Product Concept: Presenting the Product The bundle of values the product might represent to the consumer. How the consumer perceives the product is based on the level (high/low) and kind (cognitive/affective) with the product. 3. The Communications Media The message delivery system - are all the vehicles that might tran


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