
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 土木工程专业 软土地基上分期施工的路堤沉降预测方法 中英文对照.doc

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 土木工程专业 软土地基上分期施工的路堤沉降预测方法 中英文对照.doc

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Settlement prediction of embankment s with stage LIU Song-yu(Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China) JING Fei(Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)Abstract: The magnitude and rate of the settlement are the key elements subjected to design analysis of embankments on soft ground. The observational Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing210096,China methods based onfield measurement have indicated the promising results and become effective methods to predict the final settlement, while the uncertainties of parameters and theories limit significantly the accuracy of settlement estimation. This paper presents an observational method to predict the settlement performance of embankments with stage construction on soft ground based on Asaoka method. The case studies show the accordance of the predicting results with the field measured data. It is also given from the case study that the value of Eu / Cu ratio ranges from 50 to 100 for Jiangsu Marine clay and its actual coefficient of consolidation is almost one order of magnitude larger than the laboratory data. Key words: settlement, embankment, observational method, stage construction, Jiangsu Marine clay 0. Introduction Settlement and stability are two primary considerations systematically related to the design of an embankment on soft ground. The tools available for the stability evaluation seem to be satisfactory. The key element of long term behavior of the embankment routinely subjected to design analysis is the settlement. In other words , the settlement analysis is the most appropriate approach to the embankment analysis . The settlements of embankments on soft clays result from the consolidation and the lateral flow under the embankments. Many researches have been made on performance of embankments on soft ground. Although many experiences have shown the practical value of the theory for estimating se


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