【精选】必修三 Unit 2 Language 单元检测(A卷——全员必做).doc

【精选】必修三 Unit 2 Language 单元检测(A卷——全员必做).doc

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【精选】必修三 Unit 2 Language 单元检测(A卷——全员必做)

Language 单元检测(A卷——全员必做) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2013·南京高三模拟)—Do you have any idea of ________ exact date when he cycled to Taibai Mountain? —No. I only remember it was ________ Saturday. A.an; a         B.the; the C.an; the D.the; a 2.(2012·江苏射阳二中模拟)His ideas are very interesting, but we need ________ suggestions to get us out of the mess. A.pure B.similar C.practical D.traditional 3.(2013·盐城高三模拟)—How was the journey? —Tiring! All the seats in the train ________. I stood all the way. A.were occupied B.would be occupied C.would occupy D.had occupied 4.(2013·徐州模拟)If your knowledge can be in some ways ________ with my experience, we are sure to succeed. A.joined B.united C.connected D.combined 5.We have come to the ________ that it would be unwise to accept his idea. A.suggestion B.conclusion C.plan D.promise 6.(2009·浙江高考)The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library. A.access B.passage C.way D.approach 7.The thirteen stars on the flag ________ the thirteen colonies that first announced independence. A.stand B.sign C.represent D.compare 8.(2013·成都模拟)The rising house price has become the biggest ________ of the ordinary people in China today. A.concern B.influence C.figure D.loss 9.The training is helpful, but it doesnt cover ________ I need for my new job. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 10.(2013·福州五校模考)________ is known to us all is that water is not an endless resource, nor one that can be made once more. A.As B.What C.That D.It 11.He is one of my previous students and always comes to see me whenever ________. A.he is convenient B.he will be convenient C.it is convenient to him D.it will be convenient to him 12.(2013·北京西城抽测)Ballet is amazing; ________ you go, you are likely to find yourself going again and again. A.as B.once C.unless D.while 13.The public has no idea whether this is only happening in this country, or whether its happening in the world ________. A.as a result B.as a whole C.as a matter of


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