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沈 阳 理 工 大 学 应 用 技 术 学 院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:招商银行品牌管理问题与对策探析 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 金融学 学生姓名: 姚鹏博 指导教师: 陈凌白 二〇一二 年 六 月 二 日 摘 要 在经济全球化、金融市场化信息化不断发展的时代背景下,品牌管理已经成为银行业提高竞争力的重要途径,并以资产价值的形式成为银行发展不可或缺的组成部分。银行品牌核心价值的确定,要通过经营战略匹配,战略品牌分析。明确品牌意愿以准确的品牌进行定位,并进而找出品牌精髓。从而更进一步品牌识别,整合营销传播品牌组合。但是,包括招商银行在内的中国银行的品牌管理与应有状态还相差甚远。在品牌认识上还缺少深度。品牌主张还缺少品质。品牌形象还不够突出,品牌制度还不够完善,还需加倍努力。如何打造强势品牌已成为商业银行品牌管理现代化不可推卸的责任与命运。 本文以银行品牌建设为研究对象,在系统地掌握了品牌相关理论的基础上,借鉴国外先进银行的管理经验,对招商银行的品牌建设进行了全面、深入的分析、总结。针对招商银行的品牌建设现状,从提升招商银行核心竞争力的战略角度出发,对招商银行的品牌建设提出了品牌定位的差异化策略,品牌营销的知识化策略和品牌管理的综合化策略的对策建议,对其提升自身的品牌价值具有一定的参考价值。从而也对我国其他的商业银行的品牌战略创建与管理起到启示的作用。 关键词:招商银行;核心竞争力;品牌战略管理 Abstract In the background of age whose economic globalization and financial market informationization faces uninterrupted development, brand management has been a significant passage for banking to improve its competitive strength, and it manages itself in the form of assets value to become an indispensable part in the developing of banks. The determination of core value of bank brand goes through business strategy matchup and strategic brand analysis. To make sure brand’s aspiration is to locate it precisely as well as chase down its kernel, and to move forward from brand’s recognition to the integration of brand entities of marketing communication. However, Chinese banks’ brand management including China Merchants Bank is still far apart from the suitable condition they should be in. Their knowledge about brand wades in shallow water, their proposition on brand lacks good quality. At the same time, the image of brand isn’t prominent and more efforts at perfecting brand mechanism are expected. How to build a strong brand has become inescapable responsibility and fate in the way of brand management modernization of merchant banks. This thesis takes bank brand construction as study object; gives China Merchants Bank’s brand construction a deep analysis and comprehensive summation by drawing l


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