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离心机用于钨细泥精选的工业应用 周晓文1,陈江安2,袁宪强2,杨 备2 (1.钨资源高效开发及应用技术教育部工程研究中心,江西 赣州 341000;2.江西理工大学资源与环境工程学院,江西 赣州 341000) 摘要:福建某钨矿钨细泥矿物种类繁多,钨品位低,黑钨矿、白钨矿共生,原生矿与风化矿比例变化较大,矿山原设计采用“钨细泥浮选粗选-加温精选-弱磁选-强磁选-高频摇床重选”工艺进行钨细泥的回收,工艺流程长而复杂,生产成本居高不下、技术经济指标远远达不到设计要求。本研究采用离心机精选工艺取代原设计的精选工艺,在给矿品位WO30.19%时,工业应用取得细泥钨精矿品位WO322.29%,回收率65.32%的技术指标,解决了困扰矿山生产经营的钨细泥回收的技术难题,在提高钨资源整体利用效率的同时,提高了企业经济效益。 关键词:钨细泥;离心选矿机;技术改造 中图分类号:TD952 文献标识码:A Research on the Industrial Applications of centrifuge for recovery of Fine Tungsten Ores ZHOU Xiao-wen1, CHEN Jiang-an2, YUAN Xian-qiang2, YANG Bei2 (1.Engineering Research Center of High-efficiency Development and Application Technology of Tungsten Resources,Ministry of Education, Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000,China;2.Faculty of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000,China) Abstract: There are a wide variety of complex minerals in a tungsten ore which the grade of the wo3 is very low, the wolframite and the scheelite were mixed and the ratio of the protogenetic ore and the weathering ore varies considerably. The old technological flow which is complicated and long used “flotation in normal temperature-flotation in high temperature-low intensity magnetic separation-high intensity magnetic separation-gravity separation of high frequency shaking table” to recover the fine tungsten ores , the main technological and economic indicators can not reach to the designed indicators. The new recycling technics of separation of centrifuge was used to substituted the quondam technics in the study, a concentrate assaying 22.29%WO3 was obtained with 65.32% WO3 recovery. This united technics solves the difficult of the recycling tungsten slime and a new effectual technics is supplied to exploit the tungsten slime. Key word: tungsten slime; separation of centrifuge;technical reform; 1 矿石性质 福建某钨矿钨细泥回收系统入选物料主要来自选厂重选主流程旋流器分级溢流(-0.038mm粒级)和螺旋溜槽选别溢流,对入选物料进行了光谱分析,分析结果见表1。 表1 钨细泥光谱定性分析结果 /% 含量范围 元素名称 >1 Si、Fe、Al、C


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