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基于淘宝网的生态型电子商务商业模式探究 北方民族大学 毕业论文    论文题目:基于淘宝网的生态型电子商务商业模式探究                    院(部)名 称:    商 学 院                          学 生 姓 名:    赵 永 能                          专       业:    电子商务       学 号:  指导教师姓名:   王 金 云                          论文提交时间:   2010.4.20                         北方民族大学教务处制 基于淘宝网的生态型电子商务商业模式探究 赵永能 (北方民族大学 商学院 宁夏 银川 750021) 摘 要     众所周知,淘宝系统已经成为一个名副其实的生态型电子商务系统,之所以说淘宝系统,是因为今天的淘宝网不仅仅是一个简单的网络交易平台,其已演变成一个由淘宝网B2C2C电子商务交易平台、淘宝开放平台、淘宝客平台和淘江湖平台构成的淘宝系统。本文以淘宝系统为例,试采用自然生态系统理论和商业生态系论来探究生态型电子商务商业模式,并以此来解释如淘宝系统这样的生态型电子商务商业模式的集群化现象。据此提出生态型电子商务的概念,分析其产生的原因、产生后的演化过程及其生态位结构。通过与普通电子商务商业模式和商业生态系统进行对比,提出了生态型电子商务的优势与特点。其次分析了生态型电子商务的生态功能、生态稳定性,详细地阐释了淘宝网生态型电子商务的各物种间价值的流转形式和信息传递的作用。最后以波特的竞争模型分析了生态型电子商务的竞争形态,并从生态型电子商务系统的可靠性、易用性、安全性和互动性方面提出了相应的策略。本文对于分析和理解我国电子商务的发展趋势和预见未来电子商务的形态具有积极地意义。 [关键词]:生态系统,生态型电子商务,集群化,淘宝网 As we know, Taobao has become a truly ecological e-commerce system, the reason why discuss Taobao system is that it is not just a simple online platform, but it has evolved into a system platform that is consisted of B2C2C e-commerce transactions platform, Taobao Open Platform, Taobao customers Platform and Taobao Jianghu platform. As an example to Taobao system in this passage, it adopts to the theory of natural ecosystems and business ecosystem to explore the ecological e-commerce on business models and to explain the eco-clustering phenomenon such as the Taobao e-commerce business model. According to the former theory, I propose the concept of eco-commerce to analyze its causes and evolutionary stage after their niche in the structure. Compared with the common e-commerce business models and business systems that propose ecological advantages and features of e-commerce. Secondly, this passage analyzes the ecological functions and ecological stability and has detailed explained the transfer form of various species’ value and the role of information transmission based on the Taobao ecological e-commerce system. Finally, this passage analyzes the comp


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