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J jail n. 监狱;看守所 escape from jail 从监狱中逃跑 jam vt.把…挤进 vi.挤紧 n.阻塞 (1)Shoppers jammed the stores at Christmas time (2)There was such a jam that we couldn’t get in. (1) 店 (2)由于人多拥挤我们无法进 入 jar n.罐子,广口瓶 jaw n.颌;[~s]嘴巴 lower jaw 下巴 jazz n.爵士乐 jealous adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的 I’m very jealous of your new job. 我非常嫉妒你的新工作 jeans n.牛仔裤;紧身牛仔裤 a woman in blue jeans 穿蓝色牛仔裤的女人 jet n.喷射;喷气式飞机(或 发动机) adj.喷气式飞机的;喷气(发 动机)推进的 (1)jet airplane (1)喷气式飞机 jewel n.宝石 jog vi.(健身锻炼)慢跑 He jogged out to see what happened joint n.接合处;关节 adj.共同的;联合的 (1)joint action of chemicals (2)bend a joint (1) (2)弯曲关节 journal n.杂志;期刊 journalist n.新闻记者 (1)Journal of Food Science (1)食品科学杂志 to one’s great joy 使人大为高兴的是 juice n.果汁 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 jungle n.热带丛林 junior adj. (或等级)较低的 n.较年幼者;年资较浅者;晚 辈 ;《美》(大学或中学)三 年级学生 (1)We could give the job to somebody junior (2)He is my junior by three years (1)我们可以把工作给级别比 较低的人 (2)他比我小三岁 jury n.陪审团,评判委员会 The jury is about to announce the winners 评判委员会即将宣布胜利者 just adv.正好,恰好;只是, 仅仅;刚才,方才 (1)The coat is just the right size. (2)just a minute (3)I just saw her (1) (2)等一下 (3)我刚刚看到她 justice n.公正;公平;正义 social justice 社会公正 justify vt.…正当(或有 理、正确、无罪等);为…辩 护 How can you justify spending so much money? 你怎么能对花掉这么多钱作 出合理的解释呢? K keen adj.渴望的;敏锐的;精 明的 (1)He has a keen mind (2)He is not very keen on jazz (1) (2)他对爵士乐不太感兴趣 keep …from 防止;阻止 keep to 遵守;保持 keeper n.看守人 (1)I don’t want to keep you from your work (2)You must keep to the rules (1) (2)你必须遵守规则 kettle n.水壶 key n. 关键,方法;题解,答案;(钢 琴等的)键 keyboard n.键盘 (1)hit the keys of the typewriter. (2)key decisions (1) (2)意义重大的结论 kick vt.踢 kick a goal 踢进一球 kid n. v.欺骗;戏弄 She will not kid herself 她不会欺骗她自己 kidnap vt.诱拐(小孩等);绑 架 His son was kidnapped yesterday kindergarten n.幼儿园 kingdom n.王国 plant kingdom 植物界 kitten n.小锚 knack n.技能;本领 There is a knack in it 这里面有点小窍门 knee n.膝;膝盖 kneel vi./n. 下跪 I kneel only to God 我只对上帝下跪 L label n. luggage n.行李 He attached labels to


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