仁爱八年级下Unit5 Topic2 英语导学练.doc

仁爱八年级下Unit5 Topic2 英语导学练.doc

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仁爱八年级下Unit5 Topic2 英语导学练

八年级英语Unit5Topic2 I feel better now?导学练() 2. 学习原因状语从句。 【课前预习】 一、课前背诵准备 重点词汇 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict about/in sth. 对某事要求严格 take it easy 别紧张 be lost 丢了 be worried about 对……感到担心 seem worried 看起来担心 feel lonely 感到孤单 have a talk with sb. 和某人交谈 重点句型: She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. 因为英语考不好,她在洗手间里哭。 She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 因为她没有可交谈的朋友,所以她感到很孤单。 Anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗? 完整句:Is there anything wrong? What seems to be problem? 到底是怎么回事? I’m really worried about her. 我真的很担心她。 So I send this e-card to cheer you up. 所以我现在给你发这张电子卡片想让你振作起来。 It doesn’t matter if you do badly in one exam. 假如你一次考试没考好,这没有什么大不了的。 Take it easy, and don’t be too strict with yourself. 别紧张,也不要对自己要求太严格。 Try to talk to others, and you’ll be happy again. 尽量多和别人交谈,你会再开心起来的。 【课后练习】 一、从II栏中找出与 I栏相对应的答语 II Take it easy. I’m sorry to hear that. What seems to be problem? He is very friendly to us. All right, I will. No, I’m just a little worried about my final exam. I ( )1. What is your teacher like? ( )2. I’m feeling nervous about the exam. ( )3. You should say thanks to her. ( )4. Anything wrong, Jack? ( )5. Ann looks so sad. 二、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1. Bill looks upset because he did b___________ in the long jump at the sprts meet yesterday. 2. You mother is s___________ with you, but she loves you very much. 3.The little girl is always very s__________, so she is afraid of speaking in class and making mistakes. 4. People s__________ e-cards to each other at Christmas. 5. I like Zhou Xingchi very much because he always tells a lot of j__________ in his movies. 三、单项串串烧:你能选出最佳答案吗? ( )1. —What’s on TV tonight? —There’s _____________. It’s boring. A. something interesting B.nothing interesting C.interesting anything D.interesting everything ( )2. —I didn’t sleep well because we’ll have a test tomorrow. —__


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