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International business travel 国际商务旅行 [??uv??si:z] ad./ a.(在,向)海(国)外(的)[v??kei??n] n.假期 vi.度假[eg?z?tik] a.奇异的,外(国)来的,异国情调的 introduced from another country; not native) opportunity [??p??tju:niti] n.机会,时机take the opportunity to do sth/of doing sth 趁机; 藉此机会 Let me take this opportunity to say a few words. 请让我趁此机会讲几句话. [??plai] vi.申请,请求;适用 vt.使用;敷[?emb?si] n.大馆;大使馆全体成员[?vi:z?] n.签证[?l?gid?] n.行李[brɑ:nt?] n.树枝;分部;分支;[ik?sp?nd] v.扩大,扩张,扩展;膨胀 Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. 我国的对外贸易近年来已有极大发展. [trend] n.趋向,趋势,时尚 The trend of prices is still upwards. 物价仍有上涨趋势. [ig?zekjutiv] n.主管,行政官;行政部门 a.行政的[f??mili?] a.熟悉的,通晓的having a good knowledge of sth) hospitable [?h?spit?b?l] a.好客的;宽容的;有利的,适宜的 She is always hospitable to visitors from abroad. 她总是殷勤招待外宾. [l?g] vi.走得慢,落后 n.滞后,(时间上的)间隔 Useful expressions 常用表达法 Beginner 初级 1, It will be my first trip overseas. 这是我第一次出国旅行。 2, It’s going to be my first time leaving the country. 这将是我第一次离国。 3, Have you applied at the embassy for a visa yet? 你在大使馆申请签证了吗?. 4, Yes, it wasn’t too hard to get. 申请了并不太难办。 5, You leave next Tuesday, right? 你下周二出发对吧?. 6, What time is your flight? 你是什么时间的航班?. 7, My flight departs at 7 am. 我是早晨7 点的航班。 8, Have you ever been to Japan? 你以前去过日本吗?. 9, I just got back yesterday. 我昨天刚回来。 Intermediate 中级 1, I hear you’re being sent to Madrid for the annual conference. 我听说你要被派去马德里参加年会。 2, I have never vacationed anywhere exotic. 我从未去国外过假。 3, Being able to go to the conference sounds like such a great opportunity. 听起来能去参加会议就是个大好的机会。 4, All I had to do was fill out the paperwork and pay the application fee. 我要做的只是填写一些表格. 支付一下申请费。 5, I have everything except for my luggage ready. 除行李外. 我全都准备好了。 6, How were things in the Tokyo branch when you were there? 你在那儿时. 东京分公司近况如何?. 7, They have expanded and are doing better than they were last quarter. 他们扩大了规模. 比上个季度做得更好。 8, It’s nice to see some improvement for a change. 看到有些起色. 真是很高兴。 9, There are a lot of cultural differences to account for. 有很多文化差异的问题


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