3 酒店客房部常用英语30句.doc

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3 酒店客房部常用英语30句

PART THREE 第三部分 FOR HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT 客房部用语 Housekeeping (客房服务1) Housekeeping .May I come in? 客房服务员。我能进来吗? Here are the light switch,the temperature adjuster, the closet and the minibar. 这是电灯开关、温度调节器、衣柜和小冰箱。 There are 2 scokets in the bathroom, one is for 110V and the other is for 220V. 浴室内有两个插座,分别是用于110伏和220伏电压。 The hot water supply is round the clock in our hotel. 我们宾馆有24小时的热水供应。 The menu is on the door knob. Mark down the items and time for your breakfast and hang it outside the door. 这是挂门餐牌。请标明用早餐的品名和时间,并把它挂在门外。 Here’s the hotel’s service booklet and the telephone directory. You can make DDD calls and IDD calls from your room. 这是我们宾馆的服务指南和电话号码本。您可以从房间内打国内直拨电话和国际直拨电话。 Excuse me .May I clean your room now? 对不起,打扰了。我现在能不能为您打扫房间? We usually make up the check-out rooms first, but we can do your room earlier on your request. 我们通常先做走房,但我们也可以按您的要求先做您的房间。 Housekeeping (客房服务2) I’m sorry to hear that you’re ill. Shall I get you a doctor? 听到您生病了,我很遗憾。要我给您请个大夫吗? If you don’t want to be disturbed, just hang the DND sign outside the door. 如果您不想被打扰,就请将这“请勿打扰”的牌子挂在门外。 I’m afraid you’ll have to contact the front office for the extra bed. 恐怕您得和前厅部联系加床事宜。 Just leave your laundry in the laundry bag. 请把要洗的衣物放在洗衣袋中。 We charge 50% more for the express laundry service. 快洗服务我们加收50%费用。 Our hotel will pay for the laundry damage. The indemnity shall not exceed 10 times the laundry fee. 我们饭店会赔偿洗衣毁损。赔偿费不超过洗衣费的10倍。 Our guest center provides baby-sitting services. There are some experienced and reliable baby-sitters. 我们房务中心提供婴儿看护服务。那儿有富有经验且又可靠的保姆。 The baby-sitting service is 10 yuan an hour, for a minimum of 4 hours. 托婴服务收费为每小时10元,4小时起算。 I’ll bring one more blanket to you right away. 我马上给您再拿条毯子来。 I’m sorry, but you’ll have to pay penalties for it. 对不起,为此您需付罚金。 Housekeeping (客房服务3) I’m awfully sorry about it. 我对此十分抱歉。 I do apologize for my mistake. 我为我的错误而道歉。 Sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 对不起,给您添麻烦了。 I assure you it won’t happen again. I’ll be more careful another time. 我保证


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