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Thanks * * * The idea of tiny chips that communicate their location and other information raises evident questions about privacy and security, and the time when we will see them commonly used in educational settings is still distant, but smart object technology promises to transform the way we perceive and interact with physical objects – in time. * A Smart Object is defined as a small computer, generally with either a sensor or actuator, and also some form of communication device. They are enclosed into cars, switches, machinery or even thermometers. They enable home automation, monitoring, building management systems, smart grid, transportation, energy management and even smart cities * * * * * * * * IEEE 802.15.4定义的是PHY和MAC层。   IEEE802.15.4标准的主要特征:①低速率,对于2.4GHz、828MHz、915MHz 3个频段分别对应250Kb/s、20Kb/s和40Kb/s3种速率;②低功耗,在待机模式下可使用2节5号干电池驱动6个月以上;③低成本,一般采用 硬件资源非常有限的底端嵌入式设备或更小的特殊设备;④短距离,节点信号覆盖范围有限,一般为10-100m;⑤低复杂度,比现有的标准低;⑥短帧长,最 大帧长度为127字节;⑦多拓扑,网络拓扑结构丰富,支持星型拓扑和点对点拓扑2种基本拓扑结构及其混合组网。 Aim In the industry, people who have little knowledge about IP thought it was too heavy. People who are promoting other approaches were sending this message Sensor manufacturers usually get software from chip vendors, adoption by chip vendors (SDK) is important Note: this fight happened 6 years ago with wired sensors, when uIP/lwIP (SICS) proved ip was fine. STM, Atmel have been shipping products with uIP for years. FreeRTOS as well How Initially, draft to select features from IPv6, then “no need” Atmel: hardware, low level drivers SICS: OS Cisco: IPv6, 6lowpan * uIPv6是由Cisco、Atmel和SICS共同开发,于2008年发布的IPv6微型协议栈。其前身是uIP,是 由瑞典计算机科学学院(网络嵌入式系统小组)Adam Dunkels开发的适用于嵌入式开发的传输控制协议/网间协议(TCP/IP)栈。然而uIPv6并不具备传感路由协议以及网络管理等,另外有关 uIPv6的产品还未进入商业阶段,还远不能适应于大规模无线传感器网络的应用。 * IP-Based无线传感器网络采用与Internet相同的IP技术,可以更容易地实现其与现有外部网络的互联互通。将IPv6技术引入无线传感网络可以方便实现与现有网络设备端对端的通信,提高了转发效率,增强了安全性。根据不同的应用需求,IPv6无线传感器网络与现有网络的互联互通主要有两种:直接接入方式、网关接入方式。 * * The IEEE 1451.5 standard for wireless transducers has a chapter for 6LoWPAN and


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