2014仁爱英语九年级下册Unit6Topic2 SABCD导学案.doc

2014仁爱英语九年级下册Unit6Topic2 SABCD导学案.doc

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2014仁爱英语九年级下册Unit6Topic2 SABCD导学案

导学案仁爱英语九年级下册Unit6 Topic2 Section A 学生寄语;No pain, no gain. 不劳无获。 一.学习目标 1.复习一般过去时被动语态的用法。 2.了解全球定位系统。 3.培养学生热爱科学、积极探索的学习态度。 二、自学指导: 【课前预习】1.组内查字典,读1a 2.根据1a完成1b 3.组内讨论1c的问题 三、本节课的学习要点及考点 1. He was very good at painting figures. 译:_________________________________ 点拨:be good at 的同义词组是_______________; 后接名词,名词短语或动名词 练习 张大千擅长画山水画。 Zhang Daqian _______ _____ in _______ _______. 2. Here is one of my favorite paintings, Sunflowers. 译:________________________ 点拨:one of --- 其中之一,后接______________ 练习:哈利波特是他最喜欢的人物之一。 Harry Potter is _______ ____ his favorite ____________. 3.According to the introduction of the painting, Vincent van Gogh’s works usually express strong feelings.译:______________________________________________ 点拨: according to --- 根据…. (介词短语) 练习:.根据天气预报说,明天会下雪。 _________ ___ ____ _________ _________, it ______ _______ tomorrow. 4.The way he showed things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi did. 译: _____________________________________________ 思考: he showed things in the distance 与Gu Kaizhi did.都是_____从句,分别修饰先行词______ 注意:修饰way 的定语从句前不需要关系代词或副词! 练习: 我很讨厌他和我说话的方式。 I ________ the way ______ ________ ____ _____. 点拨: in the distance --- 在远方,在远处 警察远远地跟着他。The police kept following him ____ ____ ___________. 5. I have made up my mind to be a painter. 译:______________________________ 点拨:make up one’s mind to do sth ---下定决心做某事 同义词组是set one’s mind to do sth. 练习:a. Jim下定决心学好英语。 Jim _____ _____/ _____ _____ ______ ____ learn English ______. b.Have you made up your minds where to go for you holiday? 译:_______________ 课堂检测: 一.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. take the medicine ______ ____(根据)the introductions . 2. liumei studies very hard . _____ ______ ____(迟早)she will succeed . 3. his aunt lives in a small village _____ ______ ____ (远方). 4. they will go back to the U.S.A. _____ _____ ______ ____ (在……末). 5. you will make progress with your English if you _____ _____ ______ ____ (下定决心)to work hard at it . 二.单项选择。 ( )1. If everything goes _______



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