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M7U4 学案

M7 U4 Public transport I. Key words: 1. convey vt. ①表达,传达,传递 ②运送,输送(同)carry, deliver 【必记搭配】convey sth. (to sb.) convey the information to him把这消息通知他 A good teacher must know how ____ convey his ideas. 一个好教师必须知道怎样表达思想。 (2009江苏,任务型) We are constantly (78) meanings by what we do. (= e______) 【同义速辨】convey: 连续的有规则的运动或流动,也表示传达思想感情 carry: 常用词,指搬运,运送,也可指通过某种渠道或媒介输送 transport: 尤指长距离的运输,用于人或有形物 transmit: 发送、传播某物 【词汇拓展】express vt. 表达,表露 express oneself(不用convey) express sth. express one’s feelings express sth. to sb. She expressed her thanks to us. express (to sb.) that/ wh- Words can’t express how angry we felt. This train ________ both passengers and goods. 这列火车既载人又载货。 His speech was _______ live to the nation. / Rats _______ disease. 老鼠传播疾病。I find it hard to _______ myself. 我发现很难表达感情。 2. interval n. ①间隔,间距(同)space ②幕间(或工间)休息(同)break, pause (the period of time between two events, activities, etc) (朗文) at regular intervals 定期 at (…) intervals每隔…时间/距离(M7U4?p79) Trains run at fixed intervals. 火车每隔固定的时间发一班车。 Trains leave this station at intervals of twenty minutes. 每隔20分钟有一列火车从这个车站开出。 (2011江苏, 24) Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______ the audience can buy ice-cream. A. when B. where C. that D. which 3. choke vt. vi. ①(使窒息使噎住;使堵塞阻塞[(+up/with)]抑制压住噎。I managed to choke back my tears. 我设法泪水。’s prime在全盛期,正值壮年 If you don’t do your best in your prime, you’ll regret it when you’re ageing. _______________ 【词汇拓展】primary adj. ①主要的,首要的(most important; main ) ②primary school/ teacher/ level 小学/小学教师/初级水平 a matter of primary importance 至关重要的问题 Our primary concern is to provide the refugees ______ food and health care. 我们关注的首要问题是给难民提供食物和保健护理。 (2008湖北,28)our ______ concern was to provide people with food and health care. 7. enlarge vt. ①扩大,扩展,扩充(同)expand, broaden ②放大 【必记搭配】enlarge one’s vocabulary扩大词汇量 The photograph won’t enlarge well. 这张照片______可能不好。 【词汇拓展】en-(使成…)冠于名词或形容词之前,构成动词 enlarge (使…变大) enabl


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