1 公司运作与管理.docx

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1 公司运作与管理

1 公司运作与管理Teamwork团队合作团队精神企业生存发展的能力取决于团队的集体竞争力,其关键在于培养一支充满协作精神的高效团队。使团队成员享有共同目标和期望,享有相近或类似的观念、信念、价值、行为准则。要使团队有良好作风和氛围,内部人际关系的和谐至关重要。团员要做到真诚带人、互敬互重、彼此宽容、彼此信任,共同打造出能力互补、同舟共济、责任共担、利益共享的精神。要保持团队精神与凝聚力,沟通是一个重要环节。有比较畅通的沟通取到、频繁的信息交流,大家的工作就容易出成效,目标能顺利实现。因此,学会与人沟通、合作对每个员工都很重要。各大企业重视团队建设,开办各类培训班,组织活动,让团队合作理念深入人心。合作性活动有利于发展人际交往和沟通能力,形成团队集体意识。员工以各自优势互补,一方面员工有机会发展自己才华,另一方面员工间有形成合作的默契,推动企业发展。PART I THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WORK GROUP AND REAL TEAMThe fundamental factors that distinguish between work group and real team are the presence or absence of……The best single criterion to use for doing sth is this: ……. Put another way, is there……? One is not inherently better than the other. If …… then work group is potentially a better choice. If it does not, then real team is preferable. It come down to an issue of ……. Remember also that ……is not measured not only in……, but in……which will ultimately, though not always immediately, effect …….Examples of situations where you often find work group are ……,……. In each one of these situations there can be similar individual objectives, but a lack of any small group common objective. There is some form of coordination and collaboration, but not usually shares accountability or interdependency. If STH existed, then it would be worthwhile to explore the choice to become a real team with…….The decision whether to become a real team or work group should be made based on the advantages obtained versus the investment required.PART II SAMPLE TESTDo you like working in a team or on you own?A I like working in a team, because I can learn from my fellow workers, get help from them when I am under pressure. And most important thing is I can learn to communicate with all sorts of people.How important is the central leadership of a team?You need someone with managerial skills to lead within the team:he is able to see the big picture of the work going on, to engage others, coordinate interpersonal relationship and organize resources effectively.Do you pre



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