八年级上Unit 4导学案.doc

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八年级上Unit 4导学案

Unit4 Reading Great inventions导学案(1) 【学习目标】 1. 巩固阅读篇章的核心单词及词组。 2. 了解与阅读材料相关的一些知识背景。 3. 阅读篇章,了解大意和一些重要细节;运用阅读策略,提高阅读的微技能。 【前置作业】 1. 熟读P130 U4的词汇并能默写以下单词和短语: 车轮(n.)___________ 世纪(n.)___________ 发明(v.)___________ 有用的(adj.)___________距离(n.)___________手机(n.)___________ 开发(v.)___________ 灯(n.)___________ 乘客(n.)___________ 自从那以后_________ 与……保持联系____________ 在白天__________ 2. 查找有关中国古代四大发明的相关资料并进行整理做一个简单的汇报。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【课中导学】 Step1 Pre-reading 活动一:Talk about the cartoon 活动二:Talk about the Four Ancient Chinese Inventions 1. 小组交流 2. 班级展示(report) 3. 全班学习 活动三: Part A on P50 1. Get to know what the inventions are and write down their names on the line. 2. Think and talk about how these inventions help us in our daily lives. 活动四:Part B on P50 Look at the pictures on P51 quickly and answer the questions. Step2 While-reading 活动一:First reading 1. Read and try to find out the correct answers as quickly as possible. ( )1. Which invention is not mentioned in the passage. A. the wheel B. the computer C. the telephone D. the light bulb ( )2. When was the light bulb invented? A. 1876 B.1897 C. 1879 D.1869 ( )3. Who invented the telephone? A. Alexander Graham Bill B. Thomas Edison C. Einstein D. Alexander Graham Bell ( )4. Which is perhaps the greatest invention according to the writer’s opinion? A. the wheel B. the computer C. the telephone D. the light bulb 2. Conclude the sk


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