unit 6 topic 2 My home is an apartment building 导学案.doc

unit 6 topic 2 My home is an apartment building 导学案.doc

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unit 6 topic 2 My home is an apartment building 导学案

Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic2 My home is an apartment building Section A 一:学习目标:1、学习有关房屋类型的词; 2、看懂并学会写房屋租赁广告。 二:复习旧知识 请在横线上写出所学的方位介词和方位介词短语:___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 按要求完成以下句子。 ①There is an orange on the table.(改为复数形式) There _____ _____ ______ on the table. ②The garden is behind the house.(同义句转换) The house is _____ _____ _____ the garden. ③You can’t play computer games on weekdays.(改为命令句) _____ _____ computer games on weekdays. ④. There are many eggs in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问) ________ ______ are there in the kitchen? 三:预习新课 请在p35-36 找出下列词语或者句型的英语表达,并在书本上勾画标注中文意思。 1、单词: 城镇住宅___________ 农场住宅___________ 公寓套房________________ 两层楼___________ 安静的,寂静的_________ 租用,出租__________ 农村、国家____________ 2、词组: 一间有两层楼的城镇住宅_____________________ 在农村___________寻找_____________ 一个月_______________一间大的农场住宅________________ 在我们学校附近_________________一间双人间_____________小型学生公寓_________________ 出租_________ 房屋求租_________ 3、句型:1)、What _________(种类) of home do you ___________(住在)? 2)、It’s a townhouse _________________________(带有两层楼). 3)、They live in a farmhouse ______________________(在农村). 4)、______________(多少) floors are there in your building? 四:知识探究与展示 1.Listening and finish the tasks in 1b and 2 on 36. 2. 探究一:live with 和live in 的区别。 句子:Do you live with your grandparents? No. They live in a big farmhouse in the country. 归纳可知 live with + _____ 意思是_________ ; live in +________ 意思是___________ 探究二:Look for a quiet room for two people under ¥500 a mouth. under the desk中,under 意思是__________ 在本句中,它的意思是:___________,相当于_____________ (翻译)不到2小时,我完成(finish)我的作业。______________________________________________ 五:巩固达标 A:( )1.—___________ —It’s an apartment building. A. What’s your home? B. Where’s your house? C. What kind of house do you live in? D. Where’s the home? ( )2.—_______ much water in the glass? —N


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