高中英语教学(外研版)选修六-第六册M1P4 Reading and Vocabulary, Reading Practice Writing.pptVIP

高中英语教学(外研版)选修六-第六册M1P4 Reading and Vocabulary, Reading Practice Writing.ppt

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E-mail (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages by telecommunication. (Some publications spell it email; we prefer the currently more established spelling of e-mail.) E-mail Here are ten tips for writing effective emails. 1. Write a meaningful subject line. 2. Keep the message focused and readable. 3. Avoid attachments. 4. Identify yourself clearly. 5. Be kind -- dont flame. 6. Proofread. 7. Dont assume privacy. 8. Distinguish between formal and informal situations. 9. Respond Promptly. 10. Show Respect and Restraint. Writing a reply Very nice to meet you again here. I am happy to learn that next week, you’re going to a reception at the Chinese Embassy there in London. You say you’re going to meet some senior high school students and their teachers. That is very interesting. * The Wrong Kind of Small Talk saleswoman firm fax outspoken human being motto put one’s foot in one’s mouth shortcoming absence n.女销售员 n.公司 n.传真 (机) adj.坦率的 人类 n.座右铭,格言 犯使人难堪的错误 n.缺点,短处 n.缺乏,不存在 Words Preview as a consequence systematic coincidence customer mature awkward tease typist contradict 因此,结果 adj.非偶然的,经常的 n.巧合 n.顾客,客户 adj.成熟的 adj.尴尬的 v.戏弄,嘲弄 n.打字员 v.反驳 Words Preview pregnant apology cautious acquaintance messy divorce cheer sb. up fool adj.怀孕的 n.道歉,致歉 adj.谨慎的,慎重的 n.熟人 adj.棘手的,难办的 n.离婚,离异 使某人振作起来 n.傻瓜,笨蛋 Words Preview clerk haircut anyhow modest brunch anniversary hostess interrupt n.职员,办事员 n.发型,发式 adv.无论如何 adj.谦虚的,谦逊的 n.早午餐 n.周年纪念日 n.女主人 v.打断 Words Preview Warm up What kind of small talk you need as a salesperson? Fast Reading 2 1 What did Esther often do when she spoke to others? She put her foot in the mouth (said something embarrassing). 2 What do you think are “the basic rules of social communication”? To be polite and not to embarrass people. 3 Why did the customer look awkward when she was asked how old she was? Because she didn’t want to say her age. 4 How did the typist contradict Esther? She said she wasn’t pr



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