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GRE出国考试历年真题之选择题精华(3) 1、Paradoxically, England’s colonization of North America was ----- by its success: the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country.   A, demonstrated   B, determined   C, altered   D, undermined   E, distinguished   paradoxically: adv.1.似非而是地,佯谬地 2.自相矛盾地 3.悖理地,反常地   colonization: n.殖民统治   prosperity: n.兴旺,繁荣昌盛   loyalty: n.忠诚   demonstrate: v.1.论证,证明 2.说明,教 3.显示,表露   alter: v.改变,改动,使变样   矛盾的是,英国在北美的殖民统治反而由于它的成功而遭到削弱:诸殖民地的日益繁荣减少了它们对其宗主国的依赖,因而亦减少了它们对它的忠诚。   2、Although Harry, Stack Sullivan is one of the most influential social scientists of this century, his ideas are now so ----- in our society that they seem almost --------.   A, novel.. antiquated   B, revolutionary.. fundamental   C, commonplace .. banal   D, disputed.. esoteric   E, obscure.. familiar   【翻译】虽然哈利·斯塔克·沙利文是本世纪最具影响的社会科学家之一但是现在看来,他的思想在我们的社会中显得如此普通平凡,以致于几近平庸。   3、Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the--------performance in the -------style we had anticipated.   A, talented.. tenuous   B, prosaic.. classic   C, artistic.. mechanical   D, inspired.. innovative   E, literal.. enlightened   perfunctory: a.敷衍了事的,马虎的,得过且过的   derivative: a.1.派生的,衍生的 2.缺乏独创性的,模仿他人的   tenuous: a.1.细的,薄的 2.稀薄的,脆弱的   prosaic: a.1.散文的 2.平凡的,乏味的   inspired: a.受神灵启示的,在灵感支配下的   literal: a.1.逐字的,照字面的,原义的 2.只讲究实际的,缺乏想象力的,刻板的,如实的   enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,文明的   她的首场音乐会演出令人失望地显得敷衍了事,且有模仿他人之嫌,而不是我们所期待的那种灵感迸发的演出和令人耳目一新的风格。   4、As is often the case with collections of lectures by ------ authors, the book as a whole is ------, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.   A, different.. disconnected   B, incompetent.. abysmal   C, famou prosaic: a.1.散文的 2.平凡的,乏味的   inspired: a.受神灵启示的,在灵感支配下的   literal: a.1.逐字的,照字面的,原义的 2.只讲究实际的,缺乏想象力的,刻板的,如实的   enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,文明的   她的首场音乐会演出令人失望地显得敷衍了事,且有模仿他人之嫌,而不是我们所期待的那种灵感迸发的演出和令人耳目一新的风格。   4、As is often the case with collect


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