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? ? Lesson Fifteen Unreality of TV 打印本页 ?   一、 词 汇   unreality n. 不真实(性)   reality n. 现实   violence n. 暴力   present v. 显示,展现;描述   show n. 节目,表演   television show 电视节目   show v. 上演(戏剧等),放映(电影)   park v. 停放(车子等)   very adv. 真正地,完全地   back v. 使倒退,使后退;倒退,后退   available adj. 可得到的;可利用的,现成的   block n. 街区;建筑群   distorted adj. 被歪曲的,被曲解的   doorman n. 门卫   screen n. 荧屏,屏幕   nonsense n. 胡说八道,废话;无意义的话或行为   rain-swept adj. 大雨滂沱的   gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒   kid n. (口语)小孩;年轻人   bandage v. 用绷带包扎   defend v. 为……辩护   defendant n. 被告   innocent adj. 无罪的,无辜的   plead v. (法律)辩解   guilty adj. 有罪的,内疚的   D.A. abbr. (美District Attorney的缩写)地方检察官   harm n. 损害,伤害   harmful adj. 有害的   advertisement n. 广告   mouthwash n. 漱口剂;洗口药   mate n. 伴侣      二、课文分析   Dr. Heinrich Applebaum recently completed a study on the effects of television on children. It is not about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality.   Applebaum博士最近完成了一项关于电视节目对儿童影响的调查报告。(这种影响)不是暴力,而是电视节目给孩子们造成对现实的错觉。   not……but 不是…而是   Dr. Applebaum told me, The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesnt exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen.   Applebaum博士告诉我:电视对孩子的最大危害是它呈现了一个非真实的世界,使得他们期盼着永远也不会发生的事。   I dont understand, Doctor, I said.   Well, let me give you one example. Have you ever seen a television show where a person in a car doesnt immediately find a parking place on the very first try?   where a person in a car doesnt…是定语从句,修饰a television show   parking place 停车位   on the very first try:头一次(试做某事)   very 常用来强调某些形容词的最高级形式以及像first,last,same等词。   Come to think of it, I said, I havent.   Come to think of it:相当于汉语的真的,想想还真是如此。   Not only is there always a parking place, but the driver doesnt even have to back into it. There are two parking spaces for him when he needs one. Children are being led to believe that when they grow up they will always be able to find a parking place available when and where they want it. You ca


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