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Book One Useful Expressions Unit 1 Text A Secrets of Straight-A Students 1. 全优生 straight-A students 2. 充分发挥 make the most of 3. 学习优秀 attain academic excellence 4. 首先 begin with 5. 决定轻重缓急 set the priorities right 6. 换言之 in other words 7. 另外 in addition 8. 个人偏好 personal preference 9. 任何时候都表现优秀 perform well at all times 10. 活跃参与…… be actively involved in 11. 整理笔记 file the notes 12. 安排时间 schedule one’s time 13. 安排做作业的速度 pace each assignment 14. 手头的工作 the tasks at hand 15. 被……压得喘不过气 be overwhelmed by ... 16.复习和完善功课 review and polish one’s work 17. 写下 jot down 18. 在于…… lie in 19. 同样重要 it is equally important ... 20. 澄清疑问 clarify any doubts 21. 进行实验 conduct an experiment 22. 单独用功 labour on one’s own 23. 最后一点同样不容忽视 last but not least 24. 制定高标准 set high standards 25. 不辞辛劳地…… take pains to do sth. ’s Personal Opinion 1. 个人看法 personal opinion 2. 不费什么力气 with very little effort 3. 提到 a reference to 4. 哭笑不得 don’t know whether to laugh or cry 5. 另谋出路 look for another job 6. 合格的教师 a qualified teacher 7. 可笑的噱头a ridiculous claim 8. 在情理之中 It is natural … 9. 做……没用 It is no use doing … 10. 这有几分道理 This is true to a certain extent … 11. 比……具有很大优势 have a great advantage over others 12. 走向另一极端 go to the opposite extreme 13. 完全对等的东西 a precise equivalent 14. 反之亦然 and vice versa 15. 建立在……基础上 be based on 16. 行为主义心理学 behaviorist psychology 17. 热衷于 be fond of 18. 我个人认为 in my personal opinion 19. 将……与……联系起来 relate … to … 20. 值得牢记的是 It is worth remembering that … 21. 交际手段 a means of communication 22. 与……大同小异 be probably very similar to … 23. 值得一提的相关问题 a relevant point worth mentioning 24. 做……将可受益 It will be helpful to … 1. 温暖宜人 warm and pleasant 2. 与……聊天 chat with … 3. 家庭野餐和聚会 family picnic and gathering 4. 回忆童年往事 recall events from childhood 5. 第一次约会 one’s first date 6. 给……讲解生理知识 tell sb. about the facts of life 7. 高中毕业舞会 senior prom 8. 出落得成熟漂亮 turn into a beautiful young woman 9. 巍峨挺拔 tall and straight 10. 日益密切的关系 increasingly close relationship 11. 出乎意料 by surprise 12.


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