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基于JAVA的虚拟股票交易系统的研究与实现 摘 要:所谓股票交易是指股票之间按照市场价格对已发行上市的股票所进行的买卖。上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所 本着为大众服务的宗旨,基于JAVA的虚拟股票交易系统就是为了解决上述问题而进行开发的。该系统严格按照软件工程中面向对象的开发方法和开发流程,采用Struts+Hibernate+JSP技术和MySQL数据库进行设计、开发并实现。用户通过注册、登录到该系统后,可以浏览、学习自己感兴趣的股票信息和股票知识,查看个人股票持仓,进行股票交易,修改个人资料等等。 该系统内容丰富、安全可靠、操作简单,能够充分满足绝大多数股票爱好者的需求。 关键词:虚拟股票交易系统;JAVA;面向对象;Hibernate;MySQL Abstract:The stock exchange, means the stock investors in accordance with the market price between the stock market has been issued to the trade. in recent years, the domestic stock market developed rapidly, tides out such as shanghai and shenzhen stock exchanges, the famous stock exchange centre, also attracted more and more stocks love. of course, there are a lot of question, the domestic stock market has just begun, a lack of unity and full transaction platform, Lead to many people to share knowledge is a very short. Applied for the purposes of the public based on java virtual stock trading system is in order to solve the problem for development. the system in software engineering object-oriented development and the development process. the struts hibernate jsp technology and mysql database on a design, development and implementation. the user through a registered and logged on to the system, you can browse, study interests stock information and knowledge, View the individual stocks, On the stock exchange, Changes to personal data, and so on. The system are rich in content, safe, easy operation, Able to fully satisfy the demand of the lovers. Key words: Object-oriented; Hibernate; Mysql database 目录 1 前 言 4 2 系统说明 4 2.1 虚拟股票交易系统的功能 4 2.2 系统开发背景及意义 4 2.3 系统开发技术 5 2.4 系统开发工具及环境 5 2.5 系统开发方式 6 2.6 可行性分析 6 3 系统分析 6 3.1 系统结构 6 3.2 系统描述 7 3.2.1 总述 7 3.2.2 分述 7 3.3 总体功能模块 8 3.3.1 总体功能模块 8 3.3.2 用户登录流程 9 3.4 系统用例模型 9 3.4.1 活动者识别 9 3.4.2 用例识别 9 3.4.3 用例图 9 3.4.4 用例描述 10 4 系统设计 12 4.1 功能模块细化 12 4.1.1 我的首页(系统首页)模块 12 4.1.2 股票交易模块 12 4.1.3 个人信息修改模块 12 4.2 数据库设计 13 4.2.1 E-R图的设计 13 4.2.2 数据表 14 4.3 系统类设计 15 4.3.1 Util工具类的设计 1


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