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第二部分 庞玉双 167191585 在中国,人们围绕着“如何译”这一问题,形成了深具中国传统文化特色的对于翻译的认识体系。陈福康将中国传统译学理论的发展分为古代、晚清、民国、1949年以后四个时期。 In China, translation knowledge system, around “how to translate”, which deeply has Chinese traditional cultural features has been formed. 倒置Chinese traditional translation theories were divided into four periods by Chen Fukang: ancient times, late Qing dynasty, the Republic of China (1912-1949) and after 1949. 1 三国时支谦写的《句法经序》(公元224年)是我国翻译界公认的第一篇谈翻译的文字。其中所主张的翻译方法“因循本旨,不加文饰”, 有的学者视之为最初的直译说,至今仍被众多的翻译家视为最重要的翻译原则之一。 The Laws Scriptures(224 A.D.), written by Zhi Qian, a Buddhist scriptures translator in the Three Kingdoms Period (220–280), was generally acknowledged by Chinese translation field as the first text to remark translation. Principles mentioned in it that translation should follow the original purpose and keep unadorned, which was considered to be the initial literal translation theory by some scholars and one of the most important translation principles by many translators. 陈福康认为,此文“在中国译论史上的意义有三:其一,首次提出译事之不易。……其二,反映了早期‘质派’的译学观点。……其三,说明我国译论从一开始便深植于传统文化土壤之中。 Chen FuKang think that this text has three aspects of significance in the history of Chinese translation theory: it firstly put forward the difficulty反译法 of translation, secondly reflected translation standpoints of primitive “query clique” and finally proved that Chinese translation theory has been rooted in traditional cultural soil from the very beginning. 2 中国传统译论中有大量探讨翻译得失与困难的文字。其中东晋、前秦时期的高僧、翻译家道安的“五失本”、“三不易”之说最具代表性。 There are numerous texts discussing gains and losses and difficulties of translation in Chinese traditional translation theories. Of which, “Five Discrepancies and Three Difficulties” of Tao-an, 插入法eminent monk and translator in the eastern Jin and the early Qin dynasty, is the most representative. 他在《摩诃钵罗若波罗蜜经钞序》中指出: He described details in his works: (对课本中文言文部分的解释) 所谓“五失本”,第一、胡文的词序是颠倒的,译时必须改从秦语语法;第二、秦人喜欢华美,要使读者满意,译文必须作一定的修饰;第三、胡经中同一意义,往往反复再三,译时不得不加以删削;第四、胡经于结尾处,要作一小结,将前文复述一遍,或一千字.或五


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