XX届中考英语 听力理解考点精讲+考点跟踪突破+13年中考试题示例课件 人教新目标版.ppt

XX届中考英语 听力理解考点精讲+考点跟踪突破+13年中考试题示例课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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* 猎豹图书 聚焦中考——英语(普版) 第38讲  单项选择 1.I cant find my pen.Could you help __A__ find it?(2013,北京) A.me    B.her   C.him   D.them 2.Look,so many passengers __C__ with their smart phones on the underground.(2013,上海) A.played B.will play C.are playing D.have played 3.—I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday. —__A__ Why didnt you tell me earlier?(2013,南京) A.You did? B.I hope so. C.Have a good time! D.Its kind of you. 4.—Would you like some juice or coffee? —__B__.I like green tea instead.(2013,邵阳) A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None 5.—Is Kate serious? —I __D__.She never means it.(2013,武汉) A.suppose B.agree C.believe D.wonder 中考英语单项选择题的考点主要分布在:名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、冠词、连词、介词、情态动词;时态,语态;词义辨析,语序,各种不同的从句及交际用语上。在做单项选择题时,掌握一些解题方法是很有必要的。解题的主要方法有以下五个方面: 1.直接法——直接利用相关语法知识,通过题干中的已有信息,捕捉到解题线索,从而得出正确答案的解题方法。 【例1】 Look!Sam ________ TV happily on the sofa.(2013,南充) A.is watching B.watches C.watched D.will watch 解析:由标志词look可知,应用现在进行时。 答案:__A__ 【例2】 No one can sing ________ than her.(2013,泸州) A.well B.good C.better D.best 解析:than为比较级的标志词。 答案:__C__ 1.The first day __D__ June is Childrens Day.Each kid is happy ________ that day. A.in;in B.on;in C.on;on D.in;on 2.Alan is __C__ of the two boys. A.taller B.tallest C.the taller D.the tallest 3.—Has your mother finished her report? —Sorry,I dont know.She __B__ it this morning. A.is writing B.wrote C.writes D.had written 4.__B__ Blacks are planning to go on vacation. A.A B.The C.An D./ 5.—Who is the little girl in the photo? —Its me.The picture __D__ 10 years ago. A.took B.is taken C.has taken D.was taken 2.关键词法——许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词(key words)。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。 【例3】 —Whats your favorite vegetable? —Well,I like ________ best.(2013,吉林) A.oranges B.dumplings C.onions D.water 解析:由关键词“vegetable 蔬菜”可知,C选项符合题意。 答案:__C__ 【例4】 One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to ________ good eating habits.(2013,泰安) A.grow B.develop C.increase D.find 解析:由关键词habits可知,习惯是养成的。 答案:__B__ 6.


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