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96 122 123 124 126 128 129 23 24 25 26 27 48 49 50 51 53 54 56 57 59 61 63 64 66 68 69 71 73 74 91 1996 was a big year for Dove - in fact it has meant - a new chapter for Dove. 92 93 94 95 95 持续投资在品牌的建立上,尽管在财务或 景气困难时。 Continue investing in brands even when the financial goals are not being met. 避免换个领导人,换个品牌策略,换个广 告公司,换支广告影片。 Avoid the mindset of change the manager, change the brand strategy, change the advertising company, change the commercials? 1 Corporation Brand Operating companies Subbrands Masterbrand plus (sub) brands Product brands 步骤 6: Step 6: 品牌责任归属 组织运作 Brand responsibility Organization Operation 作业语言的统一(思考工具),讲一样的话 Unite the operational language (thinking tools) 品牌管理系统 Brand management system (品牌识别手册/企业识别手册) (Brand identity handbook / corporate identity handbook) 行销/业务/传播功能的整合 Integrate marketing, sales, and communications. 总裁/副总裁带队(清楚的决策流程) By president / vice-president (clear decision-making process) 信息科技的协助 Information Technology (IT) 培训 Training 步骤 7: Step 7: 360°整合行销传播计划及执行 360 degree planning for integrated marketing, communications implementation 品牌资产的建立 形象 商誉 产品 消费者 视觉 销售渠道 Moment of Truth 确保我们的品牌与消费者的每个接触点,都传达一致及有效的讯息. Ensure all brand contacts are delivering consistent and effective messages. 包括,产品的使用,店头阵列,广告,传单,经销商会议,赞助活动,记者采访,电话抱怨,展览 会场的解说员,员工的家属 ...… This includes product inserts, POS displays, advertising, leaflets, sponsorship events, and media interviews...... 整合行销传播 Integrated Marketing Communications 广告 零售促销 建立 360 品牌 电话行销 互联网络 Interactive 忠诚度行销 产品发展 经销商沟通 品牌 / 包装识别 公共关系 直效行销 企业内部沟通 品 牌 如何建立比竞争者更好的品牌? How to build a better brand v.s. others? 如何接近消费者? How to maximize reach to the consumers? 如何从医药专业人员及渠道中获得支持? How to generate support from medical professionals and trade? 主要挑战 Key Challenge 医生的认可 Doctors endorsement 强调功效 Reinforce efficacy 增强信心 Enhance confidence 明显的零售点陈列 Strong retail brand presence 第一认知 Top-of-mind awareness 药店推荐 Pharma recommendation 关键的取胜的因素 Key Success Factors 广告



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