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6th / 7th December 2006, Beijing Mr. Arne Gooss Director KfW Office Beijing KfW Bankengruppe at a glance KfW银行集团概览 Brand Structure. 业务范围 KfW Bankengruppe in China China Track Record since 1980: 9 billion Euro 自1980年以来,集团在中国贷款总额:90亿欧元 KfW Carbon Fund Objectives of the Fund. 碳基金目标 KfW Carbon Fund Fund Concept. 碳基金方案 KfW Carbon Fund Contractual Structure. 合同结构 KfW Carbon Fund Fund Volume. 碳基金规模 KfW Carbon Fund Purchase Contracts (I). 购买合同(I) KfW Carbon Fund Purchase Contracts (II). 购买合同(II) KfW Carbon Fund / KfW 碳排放投资交易基金 Investment Policy. 投资策略 Eligible Project Types 符合条件的项目 Generally there are not specific limitations 总体而言无特殊限制 Exclusions in line with Kyoto and ETS: 排外条款,以京都议定书和欧洲排放交易计划为准, 具体是: nuclear power projects large hydro power projects (as per objectives of World Commission on Dams) until further notice LULUCF-activities KfW Carbon Fund Project Selection Principles. 项目挑选原则 KfW Carbon Fund Time Schedule. 时间进度安排 The KfW Carbon Fund 德国复兴信贷银行碳基金 Mr. Bernhard Zander First Vice President KfW Carbon Fund Palmengartenstrasse 5 – 9 60325 Frankfurt Tel: +49-69-7431-4218 Fax: +49-69-7431-4775 carbonfund@kfw.de * * CDM in China: Opportunities for Sino-German Cooperation Promotional bank of the Federal Republic of Germany. Founded in 1948. Shareholders: Federal Republic of Germany (80%), German federal states (20%). Balance-sheet total at the end of 2005: EUR 341 billion. 3,500 employees at the end of 2005. Rating: AAA/Aaa/AAA. 促进德国经济发展 投资信贷 出口信贷 及 项目融资 对发展中国家及 转型经济国家的促进 Private / Public sector 私营部门企业/公共部门机构 Private sector 私营部门企业 Public sector 公共部门机构 Main Focus 在中国的主要服务 对象 EUR 5,5 Billion 55亿欧元 EUR 0,4 Billion 4亿欧元 EUR 3,6 Billion 36亿欧元 Total Commitments in China 对中国的总承诺额 repres. by KfW Entwicklungsbank由KfW开发银行代表 8 9 Staff in China 在中国办事处的人员 1980 1985 1985 In China since 中国业务始于 320 323 330 Staff人员 Export project finance at commercial conditions 商业条件的出口信贷和项目融资 Private sector loans and equity participati


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