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Useful expressions: Likes and dislikes He /she likes/loves ______ very much/ best He /she is quite good at ______ He /she really enjoys ______ I’m keen on _______ I’m fond of _______I think that ___is boring/terrible. I really hate_______. I don’t care for ________. I don’t like _______very much Likes and dislikes I’m sure that I’m not so sure that I think that Perhaps Oral practice—introduce yourself Please finish the list of your age ,gender, likes and dislikes: Here are some stage photos of the film”Cast Away” Tom Hanks in the play named Chuck Noland He was cast away on an lonely island: No friends help him. He wrote big letters “HELP” with his feet on the sand to seek for possible help. No help comes and he has to survive. He tries hard to make a fire. Look, how happy he is when he succeeds in making one. Fire is so common in our everyday life, but what about on a lonely island? When Chuck writes the words on the big rock, he has been deserted on the island for 1500 days. From the expression on his face we can see how lonely he is and how he needs help and friends. He is so lonely that he finds a volleyball “Wilson” to be his friend. He draws a face on the ball to make it more like a friend. He talks with his friend Wilson. Ask the students to scan the text and then answer the questions above. The last question can be found in the text. The answer to the last question. Teacher can explain more about it. Second reading detailed reading: after reading, comb the whole passage and guide the students to analyze the text. According to the story clue, it can be divided into tow parts: Before the crash After the crash. Main idea of every paragraph Using wh-questions to guide the students to analyze Chuck’s friend. Third readingCareful reading and understanding the text. Do the following six comprehensive questions to see how well the students have grasped the text. Post-reading: Discussing activities. Integrating skills: Goals: By talking


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