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United Nations Security Council Position Paper from Republic of Korea North East Asia Model United Nations 2013 Country: Republic of Korea Committee: Security Council Topic: The Situation in Mali Delegate Name: Yin Siqi, Lian Xinlei Delegate School: Harbin Institute of Technology By virtue of the existing circumstances that the situation in Mali has aroused great concern from a enormous number of nations worldwide, the Republic of Korea draw our attention to this severe international issue as well. The movement of the rebel groups has addressed tremendous detriment to Mali’s economy, agriculture, industry as well as the physical and mental health of the habitants there. Considering the current situation in Mali that with the establishment of MINUSMA and the assistance of developed countries, the new president has come into power and the key northern towns have been recaptured, the situation in Mali seems to be much brighter. Despite the moderation of the previous severe situation in Mali, there still exist potential power which threatens the peace, security and stability of the related region. We, the republic of Korea, vehemently condemn the improper behavior of the rebel groups. As a developed country, we are willing to distribute required military force assisting French and MINUSMA to maintain the security and stability of Mali and its new political system. Additionally, we guarantee that we are well prepared to provide adequate financial and information aid as well as goods and materials. For the sake of safeguarding the continuance of the global peace and security along with circumventing the turbulence, we will spare no efforts to contribute in Mali issue. On 20th December 2012, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2085. It authorized the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA). The resolution recalled previous resolutions regarding the Northern Mali conflict, including resolutions 2056 and


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