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关于长春市职工工资水平的统计分析 摘 要 工资水平问题属于个人收人问题, 长期以来,中国老百姓工资水平一直比较低,这是计划经济体制下实行低工资、低消费的结果:既给人民生活带来很多不便,也对经济发展带来很大影响。尽管改革开放后,工资水平有了较大幅度的提高,但总的来说,仍然不高。可以说,还是属于低工资水平。目前,低工资制已经影响到经济生活的方方面面,比如对消费的影响,即是一个最具典型的影响。在绝大部分年份里长春市的投资率都维持在35%以上,有些年份甚至达到了40%。而支撑高投资率的主要力量则是高储蓄率。显然,当前长春市经济增长速度放缓,其中重要原因是消费率偏低,而其深层次原因是广大人民收人水平增幅缓慢。职工平均工资水平不仅衡量一地区或国家人们生活水平的高低,而且一定程度上也体现了该地区或国家经济发展水平的高低。在过去的20多年里,长春市经济高速增长中最重要的支撑力量是高资本投人。 而支撑高投资率的主要力量则是高储蓄率。储蓄率的上升与最终消费率的下降是相对应的,消费需求不旺必然会影响到经济的快速增长。 改革开放二十多年来,职工工资制度发生了根本性的变革the comprehensive analysis of wage levels on Changchun workers Abstract The wage level question is personal income question, income question not only Not only includes the disparity question, but also includes income level question . Since a long time, the Chinese common people’s wage level has been low, this is the result of the planned economy system implements the low wages and the low expense . This kind of situation not only brings inconveniention to people,but also brings the very tremendous influence to the economic development. Although after reform and open policy, the wage level had the great scope enhancement, but generally speaking it was still not very high. It can be said that it is also belonged to the low wage level. At present,the low wage system already affected the economic life aspects, for instance the influence to the expense is one most typical influence. In the major part years Changchuns rate of investment maintains at above 35%,in some years it also achieved 40%. Obviously, the current Changchun economic’s low growth rate is the result of the low consumption rate . The staff average wages level not only weighs an area or the national people living standard height, more over, in the certain extent, it has also manifested this area or the state the level of the economy development . Since reform and opening up, there has been a fundamental change about the Changchun municipal government workers wage system . At the same time,


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