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207 今天再来两个非常经典的翻译句子,之在翻译的技巧上再次强调 切分 转化换词性, 适当的在独立成句后加上关联词。 第一个句子: The entrance of the sciences into the circle of liberal studies also met powerful opposition. 这个句子的切分点就是: The entrance of the sciences into the circle of liberal studies 这个部分中的entrance可以翻译为动词; 科学(学科)进入人文学科领域(的时候), 2. /also met powerful opposition. 也遇到了强烈的抵制。 第二个句子: Naturally, scientific studies were opposed on the ground that they were anti-religious in their effect, the breeders of atheism, and the destroyers of faith. 切分: Naturally, scientific studies were opposed /on the ground that /they were anti-religious in their effect, the breeders of atheism, and the destroyers of faith. 其中: anti-religious breeders destroyers 这三个词可以转译为动词; 这样句子可以这样翻译:(你们可以自己先翻译一下) 很自然,科学研究受到了反对,理由是这些研究实际上反对宗教,催生无神论,破坏信仰。 昨天句子的解析: “The recovery from the Great Recession has advanced sufficiently far and domestic spending has been sufficiently robust that an argument can be made for a rise in interest rates at this time,” Ms. Yellen said. But “heightened uncertainness abroad” and slow inflation persuaded the committee to wait for more evidence,including continued job growth, “to bolster its confidence.” why the Fed still keepinterest rates near zero? (A) The recovery from thefinancial crisis is not as good as expected. (B) The threat of foreigncompetition threatens the job growth. (C) The Fed is still dearthof confidence in oversea market. (D) The heightened uncertainness abroad bolsters its confidence. 我先不分析,你们就先看看译文吧!如果看完译文就枉然大悟那就是单词和句子的问题!!! 最佳答案只能是C! 国庆5天课就是要继续夯实基础!只有回归基础才能看到进步啊!这个时候急躁不得 参考译文:耶伦说,“自大衰退以来,美国经济已经出现大幅复苏,国内消费也变得足够强劲,这为上调利率提供了支持”。但是“国外存在高度不确定性”,而且国内通胀水平提升缓慢,因此委员会决定等待更多的证据出现,“以增强(对加息)的信心”,这些证据包括就业的持续增长。 现在知道D不对了吧! 你需要认识:dearth(缺乏); bolster confidence 增强信心 208 两个非常重要的知识点回顾: 1. a close call. The opinion polls predicted the election could go either way. But none of us expected that it would turn into such a close call. Its a mere few hundred votes that make the difference on who is going to be the next president. 民意


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