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信息学院毕业设计科技文献翻译 《Android的击键动力学》 姓 名 程天宇 专 业 软件工程 学 号 201209240312 班 级 2012级3班 指导教师 丁林花 2016年 4月 1. Introduction At present more and more people store private and sensitive data on their smartphones. Consequently, the demand is growing for secure mobile authentication methods. Setting a password-based authentication is the most frequently used method to protect data from intruders. However, people tend to use passwords, which can be easily remembered, hence easy to crack. Therefore, additional mechanisms are needed to enhance the security of password based authentication. One such complementary method is to use the typing pattern of the user, known as keystroke dynamics. Keystroke dynamics is an active research topic and has been researched mainly on desktop computers. There are very few studies conducted on mobile phones, even fewer on smartphones with touchscreen. The main research * Corresponding author. Tel.: +40 265 250 620; fax: +40 265 206 211 E-mail address: manyi@rus.sapientia.ro. 2212-0173@ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/l/censes/b y-nc-ncU4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of Petru Maior University of Tirgu Mures, Faculty of Engineering doi:10.1016/j .protcy.2015.02.1 18 Margit Antal et a/. / Procedia Technology /9 (2015) 820 - 826 question of this is study is whether new features provided by touchscreens - such as pressure or finger area - can improve the accuracy of a keystroke based authentication system. The next section briefly presents the research field of keystroke dynamics, reviewing the research studies conducted on devices with touchscreens. Then we present the research methodology, including data collection and its evaluation through identification and verification measurements. The final section presents some conclusions and future directions. 2. Keystroke Dynamics


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