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汉译英翻译的定义翻译是指把一种语言文字的意义转换成另一种语言文字。简言之,翻译是一种用不同的语言文字将原文作者的意思准确地再现出来的艺术。从以上翻译定义我们知道,原文的思想必须尽可能得到保持,不可有所增删。译者的任务只是转换文字而不是改变其意思。因此,翻译有两种要素:准确性与表达性。准确性是翻译的首要条件。译者必须谨慎地遵循原作者的意思,所选用的字词和句式结构必须如实地传达出原文的思想。表达性是让译文易于理解。换言之,译者必须用自己的手段尽可能地将原文的思想清楚而有力地表达出来。准确性使译出的思想明确无误,而表达性则使译文生动,具有魅力。Definition of Translation Translation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that the original thought of the expression must be kept as far as possible. Nothing should be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary, not the thought. In translation therefore, there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness. Accuracy is the first indispensable quality of translation. The translator must cautiously stick to the author’s idea. Words selected and sentences constructed must be such as to convey the exact original thought. Expressiveness is to make the translation readily understood. In other words, the translator must express the author’s idea as clearly and as forcibly as he can by the medium he employs. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.上海1)上海位于长江入海口,是中国最大的城市,同时也是一座历史文化名城和著名的旅游城市。上海是中国最大的经济中心,是全国最重要的工业基地,也是重要的贸易、金融和文化中心。ShanghaiLocated on the estuary of the Yangtze River, Shanghai is not only the largest city in China but also a famous city of history, culture and tourism. It is the biggest economic center and the most important industrial base in China, a hub of trade, finance and culture as well.2)在古代,上海就曾经是贸易港口、全国最大的棉织业中心、贸易大港和漕粮运输中心,被称为“江海之通津,东南之会都”。鸦片战争以后,上海辟为通商口岸,设立租界,设银行、办工厂。开洋行,中国主权一度失落。在近代,上海曾被称为“冒险家的乐园”。成为一个工商业畸形发展的城市。“两千年历史看西安,一千年历史看北京,一百年历史看上海”。上海是近现代中国的“缩影”。In ancient times, Shanghai was a big trading port, the larg


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