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ACT 3-1 “你想得真周到。” 【故事梗概】 Harry和Michelle 来Stewart家看望Max。Marilyn很喜欢Michelle为Max选的婴儿服。 Marilyn: Thanks, Michelle. Michelle: I hope you like it. Marilyn: Isnt this baby outfit adorable? With his name on it--“Max. ”Thanks so much, Harry and Michelle. Richard: We really appreciate it. Harry: Im glad you like it. Michelle picked it out. Michelle: Yes. I told Daddy to pick blue ones. Blue is for boys, and pink is for girls. Grandpa: And Max is some boy. Richard: Hes a real Stewart. Grandpa: Right! Ellen: That was so thoughtful of you, Michelle. Especially to pick it out in blue. Susan: Would you like to see baby Max, Michelle? Harry: Could she? Could we? Michelle: Could I? Marilyn: Take them upstairs, Susan. Harry and Michelle can watch Max sleeping. Susan: Lets go. Harry: Come on, Michelle. Before Max wakes up. Marilyn: Will you please take this upstairs, Susan? Susan: Uh-huh. Marilyn: Thank you. 【语言点精讲】 1. I hope you like it. 希望你喜欢。送别人礼物时,英文一般说“I hope you like it.” 如果对方表示喜欢,我们可以说“Im glad you like it.” 2. Isnt this baby outfit adorable? With his name on it--“Max. ”Thanks so much. 这套婴儿装可真叫人喜欢,不是吗?上面还有他的名字Max。非常感谢你们。 接受别人的礼物时, 一般要表示喜欢并致谢。 baby outfit: 婴儿装。 3. We really appreciate it. 我们真的很感谢。致谢的常用表达。 4. Blue is for boys, and pink is for girls. 在美国,给新生的婴儿送礼物时,特别是礼物为婴儿用品时,如果知道婴儿是男孩,习惯上会选蓝色的物品,婴儿是女孩则选粉色。不知道婴儿的性别是通常会选黄色。 5. And Max is some boy. Max可是个不寻常的男孩子。some指了不起的,出色的。从这句很自豪的话可以看出Grandpa对这个曾孙的喜爱。 6. That was so thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。 It /That + be+形容词+ of + sb.: 表示某人具有何种品质, 经常用在这个结构中的形容词有kind, thoughtful, helpful, clever等。 7. Would you like to see baby Max? 你想看看小Max吗? Would you like to…? : 你想……吗?表示一种建议或邀请,与“Do you like to…?” 不同,后者询问对方的爱好。 8. Harry and Michelle can watch Max sleeping. watch Max sleeping: 看Max睡觉。watch除了接不带to的动词不定式之外, 也可接现在分词表示观看的动作正在进行。 ACT 3-2 “在这儿谁能插进一句嘴?” 【故事梗概】 趁Susan, Harry和Michelle 上楼去看Max 的空,Stewart一家人评论了一下Susan和Harry的关系。 [Susan, Harry, and Michelle go upstairs. ] Philip: Michelle is very grown up for a ten-year old, huh? Ellen: Shes smart an


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