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BEC2 Unit 1 (1) to account for, to reach the wrong conclusion , to scale up production, to commission new research into, to maximize the media coverage, disappointing, encouraging, exhaustive, to lose heart 市场投放结果令人失望,我们找不到原因。我们已经做了很透彻的调研,可能是得出了错误的结论。现在已聘请人针对我们销售目标进行新的研究。希望结果令人鼓舞。我们要扩大生产,这次投放新产品要在媒介上尽量宣传,如果碰到困难也不应气馁。 The launch of the product has got rather disappointing results. Having carried out exhaustive research, we are still at a loss as to what accounts for the failure . It’s likely that we have reached the wrong conclusions. We’re now commissioning some new research into our target consumer group. Hopefully, the outcome will be encouraging. We are prepared to scale up production and to maximize the media coverage of our relaunch. Even if we run into difficulties again, we should not lose heart. (2) to be dated(过时的), it is important (imperative, essential ) …, to update, to keep….up to date with, to know where sb. stand, to seek media coverage 我们的资料过时了,必须把产品宣传材料更新。让管理层的经理们都掌握最新资料,这次不开全国发布会。我们已经清楚自己在这类市场上所处的地位。 Our information is dated, so it’s imperative to update our product literature and to keep the managers up to date with new developments. Since we already know where we are standing now in the market, we don’t need to seek media coverage of this yet. Unit 2 (1) to delay, to switch on, to be a sensation, to have mixed feelings, to look complicated, So what? constantly, admin, printout, computer -literate 一位美国经理被中国老板解雇了,真是轰动一时。虽然人们看法不一致,认为格林先生英语讲得很好且有工商管理硕士学位(an MBA degree)。但那又怎么样?格林先生是个电脑盲,他桌上的终端从未启动,总是靠秘书给他打印文件。两个合同叫他给耽误了,当中国老板批评他不利用电脑时,他总是说:“计算机看起来太复杂!” An American manager has been fired by a Chinese boss. It was a sensation. People had mixed feelings. Yes, Mr. Green speaks good English. He has an MBA degree. So what? He was not computer-literate. In fact the terminal on his desk had never been switched on. He constantly asked admin for printouts. Two important contracts were delayed by him. Every time his Chinese boss criticized him for not usin


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