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标题内容搭配题(1) Directions: Questions 41 to 52 are based on book reviews given below. Answer each of the questions by choosing the right book(s) marked by A-H. You may choose some of the books more than once. The book is a guide for those who have recently become interested in studying animals and plants. 41._ a guide book for walkers. 42. __ concerned with the need for us to know more about the variety of species on Earth. 43. __ arguing that some large-scale projects may be disastrous undertakings. 44.__ about a species which is well-known but widely misunderstood. 45., __ an influential account of environmental damage. 46. __ an emotional account of one species. 47. __ written in the style of a different type of book. 48.__ suggesting that action is necessary to prevent disaster. 49. __ an account of a research project. 50. __ a beautifully-written work by an exceptional character. 51. __ re-released in paperback and is very popular. 52.__ A This book was first published in 1982---but its re-release in paperback is welcome because it is still one of the most attractive and useful guides for amateur naturalists, especially those starting from scratch. Part of the book is devoted to experiments in the home, such as how to dissect a cockroach, keep a snake or mount a skeleton. And for those who just want to read about some of the worlds richest habitats (动植物的生境), this book is an equally good companion. B Rightly dubbed the first classic of the modern environment movement, Silent Spring remains a book of extraordinary depth and prescience. If the campaign against DDT has been largely won in the developed World, theres still a fight going on in the South. But this is not just a book about the dangers of pesticides: it is an intensely evocative and powerful account of the rupture between ourselves and nature, and of the illusions peddled by politicians to justify that rupture. C I dont know off-hand how many adjectives and adverbs could legitimately be used to describe fal


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