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SHT1x / SHT7xHumidity TemperatureSensor- Relative humidity and temperature sensors- Dew point- Fully calibrated, digital output- Excellent long-term stability- No external components required- Ultra low power consumption- Surface mountable or 4-pin fully interchangeable- Small size- Automatic power downSHT1x / SHT7x Product SummaryThe SHTxx is a single chip relative humidity andtemperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrateddigital output. Application of industrial CMOS processes withpatented micro-machining (CMOSens? technology) ensureshighest reliability and excellent long term stability. Thedevice includes a capacitive polymer sensing element forrelative humidity and a bandgap temperature sensor. Bothare seamlessly coupled to a 14bit analog to digital converterand a serial interface circuit on the same chip. This results insuperior signal quality, a fast response time and insensitivityto external disturbances (EMC) at a very competitive price.Each SHTxx is individually calibrated in a precision humiditychamber with a chilled mirror hygrometer asreference. Thecalibration coefficients are programmed into the OTPmemory. These coefficients are used internally duringmeasurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors.The 2-wire serial interface and internal voltage regulationallows easy and fast system integration. Its tiny size and lowpower consumption makes it the ultimate choice for eventhe most demanding applications.The device is supplied in either a surface-mountable LCC(Leadless Chip Carrier) or as a pluggable 4-pin single-in-linetype package. Customer specific packaging options may beavailable on request.1.Interface Specifications1.1 Power PinsThe SHT11 requires a voltage supply between 2.4 and 5.5 V.After powerup the device needs 11ms to reach its “sleep”state. No commands should be sent before that time.Power supply pins (VDD, GND) may be decoupled with a100 nF capacitor.1.2 Serial Interface (Bidirectional 2-wire)The serial interface of the SHT11


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