消除 冲突中性暴力行为 国际日 致辞.docx

消除 冲突中性暴力行为 国际日 致辞.docx

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消除 冲突中性暴力行为 国际日 致辞

双语:消除 冲突中性暴力行为 国际日 致辞Message on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict19 June6月19日The world continues to witness appalling levels of sexual violence in wartime. No region is immune to this scourge, which continues to affect women, girls, boys and men.在全世界,战时性暴力行为仍层出不穷,严重程度令人震惊。面对这一灾祸,各区域无一幸免,妇女、女童、男童、男子继续身受其害。There has also been clear progress and unprecedented political momentum to address these crimes.在应对此类罪行方面,也有了显著进展,出现了前所未有的政治势头。Sexual violence is now widely recognized as a deliberate strategy used to shred the fabric of society; to control and intimidate communities and to force people from their homes. It is rightly seen as a threat to international peace and security, a serious violation of international humanitarian and human rights law, and a major impediment to post-conflict reconciliation and economic development.当前已广泛确认,有人蓄意将性暴力当作手段,毁坏社会结构,控制恐吓一些社区的居民,将居民赶出家园。人们正确地认识到,性暴力威胁国际和平与安全,严重违反国际人道主义法和人权法,极大地妨碍冲突后和解和经济发展。There have been landmark cases against political and military leaders, demonstrating that the era of impunity for sexual violence as a tool of war is over. I pay tribute today to the many thousands of caregivers, medical practitioners, advocates, and others on the frontline of this battle, who are fighting for change.现已审理了针对某些政治和军事领导人的起诉案,具有里程碑意义,表明以性暴力作为战争工具而不受惩罚的时代一去不复返了。在这个日子里,我赞扬站在这场斗争第一线、为改变现状而奋斗的成千上万照顾者、医务人员、维权者和其他人员。However, we still face serious challenges.然而,我们仍面临严重的挑战。One extremely disturbing aspect is the use of sexual violence as a tactic of terrorism. Daesh, Boko Haram and other extremist groups are using sexual violence as a means of attracting and retaining fighters, and to generate revenue.一个令人极为不安的方面是将性暴力作为恐怖主义手段。伊黎伊斯兰国、博科哈拉姆等极端主义团体用性暴力来吸引和留住战斗人员,还用它来赚钱。Abducted women, men, girls and boys suffer the most terrible trauma through brutal physical and sexual assault, child and forced marriages and sexual slavery on a massive scale.被绑架的妇女、男子、女童、男童遭受极其可怕的创伤,包括遭受残暴的身体攻击和性攻击、童婚、强迫婚姻、性奴役,其规模巨大。


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