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酿酒葡萄的品种: 酿酒葡萄品种对葡萄酒的特征和质量起着决定性的作用,对其风格和个性也有很大的影响。在以产地命名葡萄酒的国家和地区,每一个产地都规定只能用限定的葡萄品种,优良酿酒葡萄品种能表现出品种的固有品质,从而酿造出具有地域特色的优质葡萄酒来。 wine grape of varieties : wine grape cultivars of high-quality and feature is absolutely critical to their success,they have very deeply effect in style and character.Some countries and regions of each wine takes its name from the place ,The wine is not the same frome each producing area ,they must limit the grape variety ,In order to ensure brewed with local characteristics of quality wine. 目前主要代表品种——红色品种: wine grape major representatives cultivars—— red grapes 1、Cabernet Franc品丽珠 特色:浓烈青草味,混合可口的黑加仑子和桑椹的果味,酒体较轻淡。 产区:在法国,主要分布在卢瓦尔山谷和波尔多。 Characteristic: It has heavy aroma of grassy ,mixed with delicious black currant 、mulberry and then brewed make the wine have a slightly lighter body. The Indication:It s much grown in Loire Valley and Bordeaux . 2、Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠 特色:在红酒世界中最受欢,被誉为“红葡萄品种之王”。酿制而成的酒经陈年后,有多元的香味和口感。苏维翁本身带有黑加仑子,黑莓子等香味,橡木桶培养后添加了香草,杉木,烟熏等味道,香气和口感变得更为复杂。酒体结构丰富结实酒力强劲体现着王者风范。 产区:法国波尔多盛产苏维翁闻名于世。 Characteristic: In red wine of the world, it known as The king of red grape. Brew made in wine have multiple aroma and texture in the after many years . Cabernet Sauvignon is a grape cultivars .it usually with black cherries and black raspberries aromas . it added vanilla, fir, smoky flavor given by its ageing in oak, so the aroma and taste have become much more complex. The wine of rich texture and powerful in flavor unearthed Wang embodies the majestic demeanor The Indication : Bordeaux French is filled with Sauvignon ,it is famous in the world. Carignan佳丽酿 特色:葡萄酸度高,单宁强,颜色深果香浓,淡淡的苦味犹如一位老者在诉说古老而遥远的心事。 产区:主要产区在法国朗格多克-鲁西雍产区,历史悠久。 Characteristic:The grape has hight acidity,strong tannins,dark color and powerful fruit aroma.The lightly bitter smells like a old man said all his mind. The Indication: The major productions is in France of Languedoc-Roussillon,it has a long history . Syrah/shiraz希哈 、希拉、色拉子 s 特点:被誉为“红葡萄王子”的色拉子,其酒色深


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