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As a university student, I`m very interested in what factors separate outstanding students from ones infinitely less accomplished. Instead of sitting back and hating successful students, I made it my mission to investigate the mysterious causes of their greatness. And the fruit of my analysis, after speaking to many top students and their professors, is a group of tips that anyone can use to awaken greatness up within himself and reach new peaks of excellence.作为一个大学生,我对好学生和差学生所体现出的不同之处非常感兴趣。我并没有坐着不动,也没有嫉恨好学生,相反,我决定以此为己任去调查是什么神秘的原因让他们表现优异。在访谈了很多优秀的学生及其教授后,我通过分析得到了几条建议,任何人都可以采纳这几条建议来激发自己身上的优秀潜质,使自己更上一层楼。Here are but three tips to greater success at school. Should you ask successful students around you ,you will discover more tips. Learn from others, and employ their methods to alter your own studying, and you are sure to improve your performance at school. After some time passes, you may find that you are the special one. And then maybe you`ll notice other students either hating you or trying to discover your secrets.这三条建议会让你学业更加成功。如果你问一下自己周围表现优异的同学,你会发现更多的好点子。要向他人学习,采用他们的方法来改善自己的学习状况,这样你肯定会提高自己的学业成绩。过一段时间后,你会发现,你自己就是一个“与众不同”的人。然后你也会注意到其他学生正妒忌你或者想方设法去发现你的秘诀。So be yourself. Don`t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. ”Tough times never last but tough people do,” says Robert Schuller. In other words, face reality and be mature in your responses to life`s challenges.因此,要表现出真正的自我。别去设法掩盖生活中那些不尽人意的方面。正如罗伯特—舒勒所说,“艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来。”换言之,要正视现实,要以成熟的心态迎接生活的挑战。Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. Integrity means you do what you do because it`s right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the twenty-first century without having to check your tracks in a rear-view mirror. My grandparents taught me


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